ch19 flamboyant

321 11 4

sen:" alright fine just put aoi down"

uzui:" then thats settled"

he slapped aoi's butt before putting her down. i turned around to see kyoujurou with his arms crossed with a worried face.

sen:" ill be alright kyoujurou... it seems the training will have to wait ill come visit you at your estate when im back i promise "

kyoujurou looked at me with a gentle smile still being worried, he put a hand on my head before replying.

kyoujurou:" alright be careful me and senjuro will be waiting"

i nodded before joining uzui and the rest outside, we sprinted towards the destination and i asked uzui about the mission.

sen:"you better pay me extra for this, and give me details about what we will be doing"

uzui;" hmm we will be going undercover, my three wives who were there before us suddenly stopped replying there might be a twelve kizuki there"

sen:"th-THREE WIVES?!?"

uzui just started laughing i looked back to see tanjiro and the others talking sneakily they were quite far behind, i slowed down to join them.

sen:"what are you guys talking about"

tanjiro;" n-nothing"

tanjiro then hid something behind him, zenitsu had a smirk on him" what are they planning i thought" sigh

not long after we arrived it was nighttime uzui let us to a house, before handing me a bag it was quite heavy.

sen:" whats this?"

uzui:" oh just some stuff you need to go undercover, i will be selling you guys to the different houses"

is he making profit out of us?

uzui:" you can take care of you're self i presume ill take care of the boys now go make yourself pretty"

i sighed and got up to a different room to change, when i opened the bag i saw an extravagant kimono" where did he get the money to buy this?" i started to dress myself before opening the second bag. it was filled with face paints accessories and a pair of shoes.

i sat down at a mirror and i heard some girls walk in.

girl 1 :" oh my how pretty and look at that silky long hair!"

girl 2:" right right!"

girl 3:" settle down you two, tengen sama sent us here to help you with your hair and makeup now lets begin"

the girls took the bag out of my hands and began working on me, they put on light eye makeup with red eyeliner and tinted my lips crimson. half of my hair was put into a bun with big flower and jeweled head pieces and added a clip to the part that was loose.

girl 1:" ALL DONE"

girl2:" my how beautiful"

the third girl smiled and pushed the two out to go inform uzui i was done, i looked at myself in the mirror barely recognizing myself. "how pretty" i got up to go meet with the others.
and when i revealed myself they all just started at me.

sen:" do i look weird?"

tanjiro:" sen san you look amazing"

uzui:" hmm not bad quite flamboyant i would make you my wife but im gonna let someone else have you"

i looked at him in confusion uzui had his hair down he looked quite different from his usual self.

sen:" you like quite handsome with your hair down uzui san" i said with a smile

uzui had a cocky smirk on his face i looked over to the boys that was under uzui's care and i held back a laugh.

sen:" uzui what did you do to them they look hideous"

zenitsu ran towards me crying and hugging me

uzui:" oi stop crying you're gonna ruin my hard work"

zenitsu:" WHAT DO YOU MEAN HARD WORK! sen chan marry meeeee i dont want to dieee"

sen:" hmm i thought you liked nezuko should i tell her about your unloyalty?"

he flinched before letting go

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