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tanjiro;" thank you sen san"

sen;" dont worry about it its only natural i help someone in need isnt it?"

we then heard a shout from the boy from earlier calling us down to the basement in an sarcastic way which made tamayo reprimand him, it reminded me of how she did the same with me when i was young it made me giggle a bit. we headed down and i saw a little demon girl run towards tanjiro "why is a demon accompanying a slayer" i let tanjiro down and i used my eyes to asses her, it seems she is one of the rare demons like me and tamayo. she then ran back to give tamayo a hug she is quite the cute demon.

tanjiro:" ah nezuko dont do that its rude"

tamayo:" i dont mind but she has been acting this way since i brought her down is she ok?"

tanjiro:" she must think you're someone from our family"

tamayo;" but i thought the spell she was under made her see humans as her family... both yushiro and i are demons"

so that boys name is yushiro i see it seems he really treasures tamayo san thats good.

tanjiro:" yes but she has precieved you both as humans so thats why"

tamayo then started to cry and thank nezuko i just stood there silently with a sad smile watching, i wonder if someone would see me like that as well, after they finished talking tanjiro and his sister prepared to leave and they bid us farewell.

tamayo:" its been a while sen im glad to see you doing well... come lets sit down"

i followed them up stairs and we all sat down at the trouble just like how we used to do, i really missed this nostalgic feeling. tamayo introduced me to yushiro and i began to tell her what i had been doing for the past two years and how i became i demon slayer, even though i occasionally send her letters she happily listened to me chat with a smile.

tamayo:" we will be needing to move soon tanjiro met with kibutsuji"

my eyes widened with shock if i had been any earlier i could've met with the man who killed my mother. i frowned but whats in the past is in the past muzan must've left the city by now.

sen:" i see where will you be going?"

yushiro:" we dont know yet"

tamayo:" but once we settle down ill send you a letter so you can visit at anytime"

i nodded i was starting to get tired as i listened to tamayo and yushiro talk and i eventually dozed off.

the next day

i helped tamayo san pack some important equipment that she needed before moving, and during that time me and yushiro became closer he was like a little brother.

sen:"yushiro do you... ever regret becoming a denon?"


sen;" that was a quick answer"

yushiro:" i couldn't enjoy life much because of my illness and i was practically abandoned with no hope of survival, but thanks to tamayo sama for saving me and not giving up on me im able to live like i am now, even if its as a demon"

i smiled at him it seems tamayo san has saved both of us when we were at our lowest, i wish i could've done more for her but as i am now, its basically impossible. i reached up to grab a box and i winced a bit, i forgot i still had a few bruises from yesterday's fight. yushiro noticed and he walked over to me and roughly grabbed my arm.

yushiro:" come you're hurt aren't you why didn't you say something earlier"

sen;" ahaha... sorry i forgot about it"

an irk mark appeared on his head and he was annoyed. he took me upstairs to where tamayo san was and asked her to treat me. it reminded me of back in the days when i would come home with bruises from asahi sans training, she always kindly treated me. soon it was time for them to leave it was a short reunion but i cant risk their safety for selfish reasons i hugged tamayo san goodbye and tapped yushiro on the head which annoyed him," ah thats right i should visit asahi san". so before i left town i went to pay him a visit.

sen:" OI asahi sa you there?"

when i entered the house no one was there "dont tell me he's out again" but suddenly i felt a presence behind me i turned around ready to attack when i saw asahi san launching towards me.

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