ch10 tanjiro

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a few days passed since then whenever i dont have any missions i would help aoi around the estate, and sometimes rengoku san would come and visit. today i decided to take a break i was sitting on the patio eating some daifuku that aoi made for me earlier while doing some light reading, then i suddenly heard someone calling for me i turned around to see one of the little butterfly girls calling me. i got up to see what was going on, one of the girls pointed at the entrance and i saw a familiar figure.

sen:" rengoku san? what are you doing standing here"

rengoku:" ah you came i was waiting for you"

sen:" for me what for?"

rengoku:"here for you"

rengoku passed me lardge white box i had no idea what it was for, but when i opened it my eyes widened in aw when i saw a beautiful black and blue haori with white flowers.

sen:" rengoku san this is..."

rengoku:" i made it for you as thanks for treating me and ad a congratulations for joining the pillars"

sen:" thank you rengoku san you didnt have to, ill treasure it"

i took the haori out of the box and put it on and twirled around with it, it was such a beautiful haori.

rengoku pov

when sen put on the haori i made for her my eyes glistened at the sight of how beautiful she looked running around and laughing her kind smile and her long flowing hair" ah at this rate i might fall for her" i thought i want to protect that smile. and on an impulse i said to her.

rengoku:" lets go on a date"

sen pov

shocked by the sudden offer i asked in confusion.

sen:" what but we aren't dating?"

rengoku just smiled at me, i was confused but i agreed i didnt have anything to do anyway. i told aoi i was going out for a bit with rengoku san before i left abd she just waved me off, i wondered around the gardens admiring the flowers while listening to rengoku's stories and about his family. it seems he has a younger brother named senjuro i would like to meet him sometime. we had walked pretty far from the estate where it was just us, the wind had started to blow it was a nice feeling, i ran ahead to look at the flowers but just then rengoku san called me from behind. i turned around to face him and the next thing i knew he had put a flower in my hair.

rengoku;" hmmu its looks good on you"

he said with a smile but before i could say anything i heard a crow.


"tanjiro san? the boy at tamayo's place? i went to get quickly changed into my uniform while wearing the haori rengoku san had just gave me i grabbed my sword and headed out with rengoku. when i arrived there was alot of commotion uzui san and the others were debating on how to kill him and his sister. me and rengoku joined the line when sanemi suddenly appeared with a box." is that where nezuko is being held?" sanemi proceeded to stab the box, my eyes widened from the action but before i knew it tanjiro had head butted him and took the box back. i was holding back my laughter sanemi really knows how to provoke people. two girls with white hair then announced that oyakata sama was here we all fell in line and kneeled.

ubuyashiki:" good morning everyone"

tanjiros head was then slammed into the ground and at this point it seems he had noticed me.

tanjiro:" eh? sen san?"

i just closed my eyes and smiled at him before hearing a tsk from sanemi as he began to ask a question.

sanemi:" before we start the hashira meeting would you mind enlightening us about this swordsman kamado tanjiro accompanied by a demon"

ubuyashiki:" right i apologize for startling you all, and id like you all to accept it"

after that many of the pillars disagreed including rengoku san even though he stayed quiet during my assessment, how strange i thought, but it was natural considering nezuko was a full demon and i was only a half with the form of a human. i was one of the only ones to accept along with tomioka kanroji and shinobu.

obanai:" of course you would agree so you knew him but didnt report that he had a demon with him thats against the corps rules"

i stayed silent after that oyakata sama read to us a letter about nezukos situation, but even so sanemi was against it and with that he cut himself again" ah is he doing the same as what he did with me? his blood is going to stain the ground" he then went under the patio upon obanais suggestion and stabbed nezuko again, at that point a irk mark appeared on my face and i was starting to get mad. but i had to let him do it to asses whether nezuko can be left to live or killed along with tanjiro.

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