ch20 a nights passion

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we all got up ready to be sent into the demons den, one of the girls handed me a scarlet parasol to keep the falling sakura petals from falling on me. i thanked her and we all followed behind uzui in a line like cattle being sent to a slaughter house, bait to lure the demon out and to save uzui's wives.

tanjiro pov

tanjiro:" get ready we need to take as many as we can, i know this is a mission but the demon isnt going to come out right away"

zenitsu:" i wish i could see nezuko ChAaAaN all dressed up as well nshishishishi"

tanjiro:" zenitsu! whoever gets put in the same house as sen san make sure to take as many as possible, including you inosuke"

inosuke:" hah? i can do whatever you can dont order me around!"

i turned around getting ready i then saw sen san smiling elegantly at a bird that had landed on her finger, and so i took the chance.

sen pov

click! hmm? what was that sound? ah the bird flew away, we continued to walk for a while and at this point i couldn't bear it. the back of my head hurts i could feel an intense stare from behind. i turned around and smiled with my eyes closed with a sweat drop to see why the boys were staring at me so. click! that sound again i opened my eyes to see tanjiro hide something behind his back.

sen:" did you do something tanjiro san?"

tanjiro:" n-no it was nothing"

he said with an odd face, i turned around and continued to look around for any clues.

tanjiro:" sen san"

sen:" yes?"

he smiled gently at me he shook his head and said

tanjiro:"mmhm its nothing "

i giggled at his weirdness, eventually the boys one by one was sent off into a house it was just me uzui and zenitsu left, we arrived at the last house where his wife was also sent to.

old lady:" boya are they for sale?"

uzui:" yes but they aren't for cheap" he said whilr looking at us both"

old lady:" thats fine we are short handed right now, some girls from the different houses has been disappearing lately"

i frowned the demon must be one of the prostitutes, the lady showed us in and told us about the rules and what we would be doing. they tested our art skills and it seems zenitsu is especially proficient at the biwa, meanwhile i was better at dance and singing.
the old lady then told us our schedule we would be holding a performance tomorrow night. i would be the first dancer and zenitsu will be playing the biwa while it was my turn to sing.

we helped around the house for a bit and it this time i could feel a slight demon aura but i couldn't pin point where it was.

time pass

it has been a day and it was time for my performance, i went up to the stage to dance while keeping my gaurd up for signs of the demon. click click "that clicking sound again" i looked over the crowd to see zenitsu holding something. after my performance i went off stage to look for zenitsu but he wasnt there anymore, i suddenly felt a strong demon aura i ran as fast as i could to the room it was at but i was met with an empty room.

"did you need sonething"

i turned around to see one if the lower ranked girls standing there it wasnt zenitsu. i smiled at her and i hurriedly left to inform uzui and the others zenitsu had disappeared.

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