ch21 part 2

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i went up to roof where we planned to meet and reported what had happened.

sen:" zenitsu disappeared how could i have let this happen he was under my care"

tanjiro:" its not your fault sen san im sure zenitsu is fine"

uzui:" if someone is to blame it would be me i shouldn't have brought you three along"

sen:" nevermind that we need to quickly find them"

we all went back to the houses we were in frantically looking for even the smallest sign without seeming suspicious, then i suddenly heard a loud noise comming from tanjiros building." TANJIRO" uzuis familiar mice dropped me my sword and i quickly went to help. along the way i saw many of the remaining civilians injured i ripped part of my kimono to help stop the bleeding and carried those who could no longer move to safety. in the distance i could hear people fighting, i hurriedly dropped down the last of the people out of the way. when i had arrived tanjiro was fighting a female demon with sashes " whats going on tanjiro is acting weird" and then i realized he wasnt breathing.


tanjiro had snapped out of it and started to cough and gasp for air, i jumped on to the roof to help him.

sen:" are you alright take it slow"

tanjiro;" gasp... thank... you"

daki:" humans truly are miserable existences, after all no matter how desperate they get they can only go so far how sad"

i looked over to the demon " upper moon six" as i suspected an upper moon.

daki:" as payback or before ill now cut of your head"

as she was about to attack nezuko had kicked her head off, my eyes widened she has gotten quite strong for not consuming any humans. tanjiro began struggling trying to get up, i patted his back and said

sen:"rest for a while and catch your breath me and your sister will handle her while you do so"

i stood up and drawed my sword i went down to see nezuko violently stomping on the demon burning from her blood demon art.

sen:" NEZUKO! dont be reckless"

she then proceeded to kick daki into one of the houses, she saw a woman bleeding in the house the demon had been kicked to and out of hunger after suffering from injuries, she was about to attack a human "tsk, blood demon art blood chain" i retrained her with my blood demon art before she could.

sen:" TANJIRO get your sister under control"

he rushed to nezuko and used his sword as a muzzle.

tanjiro:" THANK YOU SEN SAN"

while tanjiro was struggling with his sister i went upstairs to where the demon had went, but before i could attack the demon tanjiro and his sister bursted up from under crashing into me, i had caught them i settled them down and dashed towards the demon "soul breathing first form reapers judgment" i cut the demons head off without it noticing. uzui had just appeared moments after.

uzui:"hey isnt this kamado nezuko?, she's flamboyantly progressing into a demon"

sen:" uzui san! i managed to restrain her with a blood demon art so she wont be able to attract anyone for now, but isnt this upper moon demon too weak?"

uzui:" thats because she isnt the demon we are looking for is somewhere else"

daki:" huh who are you calling weak, two pillars showed uo at the same time thats perf-"

before she could finish her sentence her head slid off from my previous attack.


uzui started to scold tanjiro

uzui:" hey the fight isnt over yet do something about your sister, dumb brats who grumble around have no place on the battle field"

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