ch4 hashira

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wait WHAT im at the corps?!? shit i thought they were regular swordsman not demon slayers i thought i could wiggle my way out but i cant win against 9 hashira's one of them saw my eye im dead, they must think im a demon that eats humans, what did i do to get into this situation.

"oyakata sama would you please enlighten us as to why you haven't kill that woman yet she is a demon"

the man covered in scars said

"HMM i agree with shinazugawa we should kill her flamboyantly"

i looked over to the hashira and see a familiar figure, " eh? that blonde and red hair isnt he the guy wondering around where i lived. he is hashira?!? strangely he isnt trying to push for my execution"

ubuyashiki:" i understand all of your concerns but there will be no need to kill her and i hope you all will accept my decision"

sanemi:" i cannot comply with that oyakata sama she is a demon we cannot let her live that is against the corp rules"

shibobu:" lets listen to oyakata sama first before deciding"

a woman with a butterfly clip said

ubuyashiki:" thank you shinobu san, i had been staying on contact with a former hashira and he had been telling me about her over the years and this is a summery of what he has told me"

a child with white hair that was supporting him took out a letter and began to read it

this is a letter from the from a former hashira asahi dono

"asahi san?!?"

Yo Ubuyashiki sama its been a while this letter is to inform you that the child Sen is in fact a demon, but she is only half. I found her being chased in a forest by demons many years ago before i retired, I observed her for awhile and determined that she is not a threat, so I trained her over the years during my retirement. I found out her mother, that was attacked by muzan while pregnant with her, causing her to be indirectly affected and becoming a half blood. If need be, make her one of your children in the demon slayer corps, she IS strong, after all I trained her, though I know many will not acknowledge her.

ah that sure does sound like him alright the three hashira came and retrieved their swords that they had stabbed into me and released me. i could tell some of them still didnt accept me especially shinazugawa san.

sanemi:" i cannit accept this oyakata sama even if she is half we cannot guarantee she will not eat a human. so i propose that we test her.

ubuyashiki:" and what test are you thinking of?"

sanemi then drawed his sword and cut himself on the arm is that why he has so many scars. he then begane to taunt me with his blood. the tall guy with two swords suggested he go into the shade where i am, they must still think i cant go in the sun.

sen:" there is no need for that"

i stepped out into the sun with blood dripping from my shoulders and back, the hashiras were all shocked as i got closer i realized something, i dashed and suddenly appeared before sanemi. causing all the hashiras to be on gaurd.

sen:" shinazugawa san are you also a marechi? how surprising it seems it is strong enough to make demons drunk impressive"

sanemi;" huh how did yo- and what do you mean also"

i grinned and gave a little laugh

sen:" well thats because im also a marechi did you forget im half human? asahi san found this out accidentally when i was getting attacked by demons when i was young my blood had suddenly started to burn the demon but it also had another ability due to my mixed blood"

i took a bit of the blood on my shoulder and dropped it on shinazugawas bleeding arm

sanemi:" what are you doing get away from me"

he scowled then be noticed his arm started to heal.

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