ch40 please let me

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muzan who had just revived killed tamayo and wreaked havoc among the slayers who had arrived, and in an instant dozens of people were killed. yushiro who sensed the death of tamayo who he dearly loved was consumed in rage and hatred. giyuu tanjiro and kyoujurou then encountered muzan, upon seeing muzan tanjiro remembered what he had done to his family kyoujurou calmed him down even though he himself was furiated. muzan began to spout disrespectful nonsense calling himself a natural disaster, and those families he had killed should treat him as such instead of taking revenge.

tanjiro:" muzan you are a being that should not exist"

he said with dead eyes, muzan began his attack with his long bladed arms with incredible speed. tanjiro managed to get up close to muzan, but was struck to the ground with an injured eye.


kyoujurou deflected one of muzans attacks and tossed tanjiro out of range.

kyoujurou:" the upper moons cant be compared to him we have to stall for some time"

muzan:" you're buying time... waiting for the sun? the light wont reach into this fortress, can you really manage with just 4 pillars?"

their eyes widened from shock

muzan:"the pillar in the striped haori and the woman pillar already seemed to be killed by my subordinate you know?"

tanjiro was starting to run out if breath and with a injured eye he was greatly handicapped, he lost track of his surroundings and was just about to be killed when misturi and obanai appeared. in a fit of rage muzan howled at nakime in confusion, yushiro who had been controlling her with his blood demon art swore to make muzan pay for his sins.

the fortress started to shake the fortress began to ascend up to ground, nakime was killed by muzan but before the fortress could collapse yushiro successfully managed to bring everyone up ground.

sen felt a pain in her gut similar to the premonition she had before her encounter with muzan, "no this cant be i have to go" she thought she hurriedly got up and was about to leave when shinjuro caught her arm.

shinjuro:" where do you think you're going in that condition"

sen:" please let me go before something happens!"

uzui:" have you gone mad?"

sen:" i promise to be careful i am still half demon and i have a drug tamayo gave me beforehand so please!"

shinjuro let go of her hand while clenching his teeth, sen smiled and thanked him before running at full speed to the battle field. she injected the drug yushiro gave her before she left that strengthend her womb and another that helped demons heal. she held her stomach and muttered "dont worry child i wont let your father or anyone else die".

there was still an hour and a half left, muzan who was furious no longer held back. all the attacks the pillars managed land all healed within a second, just before they suffered the impact of muzans own attacks the younger hunters used their bodies as a shield and protected the pillars. misturi screamed for them to stop but they didnt listen.

muzan:" those who die quickly are fortunate even if they dong die right away those who attacked me are done for, look that way"

they looked over to tanjiro who was struggling to breath and a swollen eye, muzan announced that he was dead from the poison of his blood. gyomei and the others had finally arrived. while they were busy holding of muzan murata and yushiro treated tanjiro his pulse was fading , just then sen appeared around the corner.


she was shocked to see the severity of the situation and saw tanjiro struggling to stay alive.

sen:" tanjiro! yushiro take some of my blood and deliver it to some of the pillars hurry"

yushiro:" ARE YOU CRAZY"


yushiro did exactly just that, and she ran off to help the others. moments later tanjiro also woke up. muzan was just about to unleash a lardge scale attack when sen arrived in the nick of time.


her blood took form of an angel and shielded everyone but due to the impact they were blown away. kyoujurou was shocked to see her and ran to sen who fell go the ground from exhaustion.

kyoujurou:" SEN what are you doing here"

sen:" i had a premonition again so i couldnt just stand still, after all i cant let the father of oir child die by the hands of a monster now can i?"

she said weakly smiling, kyoujurou who realized what she had said started tearing up. tanjiro and the rest got up and continued to attack muzan, yushiro's demon cat had also successfully delivered her blood and somewhat healed their injuries. she joined the fight using both demon form and the slayer mark at the same time. she used her final form "soul breathing final form soul reaper" it was a perfect place to use this form with many dead bodies she was able go barrow their power and unleash a powerful attack.

kyoujurou:" sen fall back you shouldn't be fighting"

sen:" sigh i told you that to motivate you to survive but now im regretting it, tamayo gave me a drug so ill be fine"

muzan started to attempt to split himself in hopes of escape, but the drug tamayo created managed to stop him. the end was near and dawn started to break. muzans body swelled up into an infant absorbing tanjiro with him. everyone continued to attack preventing his escape, gyomei dragged him preventing him from digging into the ground and soon enough he faded away. everyone cheered at the end of the demon lord who terrorized them for hundreds of years. sen collapsed on the ground as she felt a part of her fading away. kyoujurou caught her and held her in a warm embrace, she started to cry.

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