ch18 a flutter of feelings

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kyoujurous eyes widened when he saw whaf was inside the bag.

sen:" i went out with misturi today and asked what you liked to eat so i made some baked sweet potatoes"

he smiled brightly before taking one of the potatoes out and began eating them yelling "UMAI" with every bite, im glad he is enjoying them.

the next day

rengoku pov

today is the last day before i head back to the rengoku estate, my injuries have been fully healed and i should have no problems. i went to go look for sen to see if she was available to spare with me, i asked one of the butterfly girls where she was and they told me she was most likely in her room, they gave me the direction and i headed over. i knocked on the door but i didn't hear a reply i opened the door to check, and i saw her peacefully sleeping. i walked closer to the bed and looked at her she seemed to be having a nice dream" i hope im apart of it i thought" just as i was about to leave i felt a tug on my sleeve, i turned around to see sen gtabbing it i smiled at how cute she was. she groaned and i was then getting pulled in by sen i lost my bakance and i fell on the bed. she was holding me tight and my face was buried in her chest. my face turned as red as a tomato i tried to escape without waking her but failed. " what do i do" i thought but i enjoyed her warm hug before long i ended up falling asleep in her embrace.

sen pov

"what is this i feel something warm hugging me" i slowly open my eyes to see myself cuddling a sleeping kyoujurou, my eyes widen from shock"eh what is he doing here ehy am i cuddling him eh?" i thought what do i do? but suddenly i heard a groan and kyoujurou was waking up. his eyes and mine meet and we both started blushing, he quickly shot up from the bed attempting to explain himself.

kyoujurou:" i-i-i sorry, i was looking for you to ask if you wanted to train with me, and i saw you sleeping i was going to leave but, i lost my balance when you pulled me"

sen:" im sorry... you must've been uncomfortable"

"kyaaaa why did i do that its all my fault" i thought.

kyoujurou:" no its alright it was my fault for falling asleep... shall we go train now that you're awake?"

i smiled and nodded he left the room so i could get changed and eat breakfast, after i headed over to meet kyoujurou to train with him but instead i was met with screaming. when i arrived at the scene i was met with uzui carrying aoi and tanjiro and the others trying to stop him. i got closer to ask whats going on.

tanjiro:" we'll go with you instead so put her down!"

uzui:" ok"

huh he agreed so easily but why did he need aoi when he could've just asked them in the first place? i then heard kyoujurou walking up behind me checking out the situation. i was about to say hi to him when uzui suddenly blurted out something while pointing at me.

uzui:" you're comming as well"

i stared at him in shock

sen:"huh why?"

uzui:" because theres no fun in bringing a bunch of scrawny boys with me they might not even make the cut"

sen:"to be precise where are we going?"

uzui:" the most flamboyant place in town the red light district"

i stoof there blankly staring at him with a face that said wtf


uzui:" i thought so well then ill take aoi with me then"

a irk mark appeared on my head while i stared at him with a menacing smile."this bastard" i thought.

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