ch37 eternal promise

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its the next day and when i woke up kyoujurou was gone, i went to look for him and ask around but everyone just nervously avoided the question. it was even busier then yesterday, theres more people running around with boxes and flowers? i offered to help but they insisted that i relax, just what is that stupid kyoujurou doing.

instead of aimlessly looking for him i decided to go visit my sword Smith to see how the blade was going while i waited for kyoujurou to return. i had the same swordsmith as inosuke, i knocked on the door and waited. "dont tell me that he is out today aswell" i groaned. luckily the door opened a little while after i heard some bustling.

konamuri:" oh sen dono welcome your blade is almost done"

sen:" konamuri san its nice to see your well"

i entered his workshop and sat down before asking him about the situation.

sen:" konamuri san whats going on outside i cant seem to find kyoujurou either"

konamuri:" dont worry sen dono rengoku dono is just out running some errands he will be back, as for the the people running around they are preparing something very special"

i tilted my head, well i dont think he will tell anymore than that. konamuri finished sharpening the blade and handed it to me to test it. i went outside and swung a sword for the first time in a month.

sen;" mmm its perfect konamuri san"

i said with a bright smile and gave the sword back to him for some finishing touches. i put the blade in a cloth sword case and headed back to the lodgings, it was almost evening and still no signs of kyoujurou. "it must be quite a big errand for him to take half a day" i pouted. i heard a bustling sound in the bushes again, i pretended to ignore it while getting closer sneakily. i drawed my sword and pointed at the bushes.

sen:" come out"

i glared, but what was behind the bushes surprised me. it was zenitsu and inosuke. my eyes rounded and i blinked in confusion.

sen:" what are you two doing here?"



they argued for a bit not answering my question before zenitsu darted away, inosuke grabbed the hem of my haori i found it quite cute.

sen:" shall we head back inosuke?"

he nodded, today is full of surprises i wonder who else is here.


inosuke and i had arrived back at our lodgings and as i thought they weren't the only ones here. zenitsu was chasing nezuko along with tanjiro telling him to stop, nezuko noticed me and rushed over for a hug.

tanjiro:" ah sen san inosuke"

sen:" what are you all doing here?"

he froze up and laughed awkwardly, this wasnt the first time they did this what are they planning again. i sighed nezuko held my hand and she looked happy, it made me smile we started walking towards the dining room to eat.

sen:" how are your injuries?"

tanjiro:" they're alot better now thank you sen san"

sen:" thats good i wont be going easy on you during your time at my pillar training session"

tanjiro:" hai..."

the workers took away our finished dishes i had noticed tanjiro seemed to be waiting for something, nezuko glomped onto my lap and i began petting her.

sen:" shall i sing you a song?"


i started to sing a lullaby while playing with nezuko, i was interrupted when someones hands covered my eyes.

tanjiro:" mitsuri san you're here!"

sen:" misturi? why are you here as well?"

misturi:" im here to have fun and help with something, now come come"

sen:" to where?"

misturi:" to dress up! i want go see you all pretty for later"

nezuko:" hmm hmm!"

she uncovered my eyes and i was pulled away by misturi and nezuko followed along.

tanjiro:" see you later sen san"


after an hour of changing a bunch of clothes misturi brought i was starting to get tired.

sen:" hey misturi san what is this for again?"

mitsuri:" for fun! and because i wanted to see you all dressed up but i cant decide which one"

she whined, we ended up choosing a long red and blue kimono with floral designs, she accessorized my hair and tied the sash. i never imagined that i would dress up like this again after the red light district commotion, nezuko jumped on my shoulders and covered my eyes. misturi held my hand and started to lead me somewhere while giggling. it was starting to get colder now that its evening.

" we're almost there sen san"

misturi said we walked a bit farther and i began to smell flowers, its winter there shouldn't be any flowers blooming at this time. mitsuri suddenly stopped making me bump into her.

sen:" mitsuri?"

mitsuri:" we're here!"

she said in a cheery voice, nezuko uncovered my eyes and jumped down. i was met with a beautiful red orange sunset and a garden in the snow decorated with vibrant flowers, and standing in the middle of it all was the man whom i love that had gone missing this whole morning, standing there with his eyes closed with his arms folded like usual in a dark blue yukata standing with his back towards me.

sen:" kyoujurou?"

his eyes opened he turned around and saw me, his eyes widened before the corners of his lips turned up into a grin.

kyoujurou:" sen!"

sen:" what is all this kyoujurou have you been here the whole time?"

he offered his hand and i walked closer to him and placed my hand in his palm, he kissed the back of my hand and looked at me with loving eyes.

kyoujurou:" you look so pretty"

a flush crept up my face and i awkwardly giggled.

kyoujurou:" sen... before the final battle started i wanted to do this for you"

he knelt down holding my hand and stared at me before saying

kyoujurou:" i love you sen i want to spend the rest of eternity with you and be the flame that lights up your world, will you be my bride?"

my eyes widened and tears welled up in my eyes, i closed my eyes letting the tears fall i smiled before answering him

sen:" yes dear"

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