ch31 muzan

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after that some time has passed i decided to distract myself by reading, i was sitting on kyoujurou's lap when i felt hands brushing through my hair.

sen:" what are you doing?"

kyoujurou:" hmm? im playing with you're hair, kanroji had taught me how to braid hair long ago and im practicing on you"

sen:" how cute"

i starting humming a song while i closed my eyes and let him happily play with my hair, i must thank misturi for teaching him this. he put my hair in a long braid before wrapping it in a bun, and i felt him stick something in it.

kyoujurou:" all done!"

he looked so proud of himself that it couldn't help but make me smile.

sen:" what did you stick in my hair?"

kyoujurou:" would you like to see?"

he got up and got a mirror, and when he showed me the reflection i saw a beautiful white lily hair stick. my eyes widened it looked so beautiful.

sen:" kyoujurou when did you get this?"

kyoujurou:" yesterday i bought it when i passed by a store you were skipping around happily so i took the chance when you didn't notice"

sen:" ah thank you kyoujurou i love it"

i gave him a huge hug and kissed him on his soft cheeks, but before long this moment of happiness was cut short. the time i dreaded has come the sun who was our only protection had left and only the endless night remained. "dear god Buddha anyone who is watching over us please protect the person whom i love" the feeling that had that shook me to my core and it still remains, even if what i felt was only a hallucination it felt to real to be one, but even so i hope it really was only my imagination. it was a stare that had a compelling feeling enough to make me sweat. i tried to act normal and like my usual self in order to not worry kyoujurou, but at the same time i was preparing myself for the worst.




i flinched i looked over to see kyoujurou staring at me.

kyoujurou:" are you sure you're alright do you have a cold?"

sen:" no im alright i was just lost in thought"

kyoujurou:" what were you thinking so hard about? was it me?"

he jokingly said

sen:" hmm maybe maybe not"

we continued to walk around, and thanks to the incident yesterday there has been less people comming out today which made our job relatively easier. a few hours had past without anything suspicious comming up, was it really just the demon last night making a commotion? i had started to feel reliefed that nothing happened. there was half an hour left before sunrise we decided to split up since there was two more areas left to patrol," we can finally go home" thats what i thought. but within that short period of time my hope was shattered, i fell to the ground gasping for air i could feel my blood rushing"what is this feeling i cant breathe". i then felt a strong demon aura comming from where kyoujurou was at. " KYOUJUROU"

kyoujurou pov

sen has been acting weird ever since she woke up, i wonder if something happened? ill take her out on a date and ask her when we return to the corps, i started to wonder where i would take her, i imagined the smile she would have on her face. it started to make me excited, i slapped myself to snap out of my daydreams and focus on the mission. i was heading towards the next alley when i heard footsteps, click clack click clack. it was a demon, i turned around with a serious face and saw our supreme enemy kibutsuji muzan, "i need to call for backup" i thought. he began walking towards me.

muzan:" so you're the one akaza has been boasting about hmm"

i stayed silent as i drawed my sword, muzan put his finger to his lips with a glaring look.

muzan:" i decided ill turn you into a demon, make sure to be useful to me if you survive that is"

i prepared for an attack, "flame breathing first f-" before i could finish muzan was already in my face, i attacked him but he avoided it and was just about to inject his blood into me "shit, im sorry sen it seems i might not be able to go back with you". i heard a stabbing sound but i didnt feel any pain, i opened my eyes to see a familiar scene my eyes widened to see sen embracing me protecting me from muzan. the hair i so carefully braided had been undone and it flowed in the light.

"cough cough augh"

kyoujurou:" SEN!!"

sen pov

i had just arrived to where kyoujurou was and i had suspected this aura could only belong to muzan, i tried to kick his arm away that was aiming for kyoujurou but i missed, so my only option was to prevent contact with him so i embraced kyoujurou using my own body as a shield. i felt something inject into me, and moments later i felt an excruciating pain i had reverted, my cells were screaming and my vains bulging i screamed like a pig being brought to a slaughter house.


i crouched down holding myself in pain my mind was going blank i could hear faint screaming in the background.

3rd person pov

kyoujurou held sen as he watched her screaming in pain.


muzan:" ho isnt she a demon also? yet she is working as a slayer and even protecting one how amusing"

kyoujurou started to panic he didnt know what to do to stop whatever was happening to her, muzan started to walk away after loosing interest in kyoujurou. in a fit of rage kyoujurou rushed towards muzan screaming, but his attempt ended in failure and he was instead struck in the stomach. muzan then disappeared he harried back to sen who was silent and had collapsed on the ground, he sent for help through the crow who had witnessed everything. he held her in his arms and she was pale and freezing, he checked her pulse to see if she was still alive anything could be possible as long as she lived he thought it would be alright. he placed his ear on her chest and his heart dropped and tears started to form. "theres no... beat".

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