ch33 i found you

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a week has passed and everyone was frantically looking for sen, but with no success they looked through mountains to villages and even lakes. kyoujurou was at the rengoky estate after being forcefully dragged home by his father, he would spend every waking second searching for her. he looked outside to see the first snow of the year, he held his hand out to catch tye snowflake. he smiled but it wasn't his usual cheerful smile, but a mask to not worry his younger brother who painfully watched over him. " i wonder if she is keeping herself warm, are you seeing the same snow as i?" he looked up into the sky. wait snow? his eyes widened he rushed inside to grab his haori and katana and was just about to head towards the ubuyashiki estate when his father stopped him.

shinjuro:" where do you think you're going"

he said with his arms crossed and glare that could frighten even adults.

kyoujurou:" father i know i said i would rest but i just thought of a place that she could be"

shinjuro:" thats what you said everytime im not letting you go"

kyoujurou:" but fathe-"

shinjuro:" i said no now go back in the house"

senjuro:" father... just let him go one more time im also worried about sen nee-san"

kyoujurou smiled at senjuro and patted his head. his father looked annoyed but he softened up, knowing he would've done the same for his late wife. kyoujurou rushed off in the cold his breath could be seen in the chilly air. once he arrived he asked one of the ubuyashiki children to request for an audience. ubuyashiki amane opened the door as if she was expecting him.

amane:" this way"

she led the way to ubuyashiki kagaya's room and opened the door. his illness had progressively gotten worse but his gentle smile hadn't fade.

ubuyashiki:" kyoujurou i assume you found out where she is i presume?"

kyoujurou:" yes i suspected she is likely on mount kumotori, it is cloudy and doesn't have many people around"

ubuyashiki:" you did well lets hope we find her there, take yushiro with you though the cure hasn't been fully developed it should be more than enough for now"

kyoujurou:" thank you oyakata sama"

after bowing to ubuyashiki he left the estate, because yushiro was a demon they needed to wait until nightfall to travel, in the meantime he went home to the rengoku estate. this was the first time he eagerly awaited the night, he picked up a photo of her that he kept in his room and gave it a kiss " im comming for you wait for me" he packed a new haori that he had made for her and patiently waited on the patio.


he hird someone walk up to him he turned his head and saw an unfamiliar demon boy.

yushiro:" oi lover boy lets go we need to head back before sunrise"

kyoujurou:" are you yushiro?"

yushiro:" who else would i be now hurry up i still haven't forgiven you for letting sen get to this state"

he hurriedly walked out of the estate with kyoujurou following him. yushiro wasnt a very athletic person, the speed of his running compared to that of kyoujurou was incredibly slow.

kyoujurou:" should i carry you?"

yushiro:" HAH?!?"

kyoujurou:" i mean we need to make haste or we wont be able to make it before sunrise"

kyoujurou grabbed yushiro by the waist and hulled him over his shoulder like a sack of grain.


before yushiro could finish his sentence he ran at full speed towards mount kumotori, before long they had reached the mountain.

yushiro:" we'll be splitting up tell me if you spot her, and dont approach her unless you want to die"

he left without a word. kyoujurou lit a lantern he barrowed from one of the villagers, this was the same mountain the kamado siblings lived he thought. as he progressed he marked nearby trees to prevent himself from looking around the same area, yushiro hadn't massaged him yet meaning there was no luck on his end as well. he went further and further up the mountain he could feel the tips of his fingers freezing, he remembered the time he warmed sens fingers " haha how the tables have turned, im craving for some of the baked sweet potatoes she made about now" he thought. he eventually arrived at a abandoned house with five graves, " is this the kamado siblings house?" he went over to the graves and payed his respects, and told them about how he was doing before moving on. after walking for another few hours he started to lose hope thinking that she might not be here. he turned around preparing ti descend the mountain when something caughg his eye, his eyes widened "is that blood?" he followed the trail of blood and sent a message to yushiro to inform him. while following the trail he shouted

kyoujurou:" SEN? SEN"

sen pov

3 days ago

how long has it been? it hurts its cold, i want to return to kyoujurou. i hid myself in a cave and chained myself down to prevent myself from attacking anyone, i had been destroying my own body over and over again trying to gain control. i wonder how tamayo san yushiro and nezuko did it she was able to alter her body will i be able to do that? i i succeed can i return to kyoujurou in the sun? she closed her eyes and slept like an animal in hibernation mimicking what nezuko had done. days later and she still remained motionless reminiscing her days with kyoujurou, she had missed the waybhe called her so much so that she started to hear things.




she felt something warm cover her, but she no longer had the strength to look. someone something started to break the chains that bound her to the earth "dont, stop ill hurt someone if they break" she felt a familiar warmth, she jokingly mumbled "kyoujurou is that you?" as if he would be here.

kyoujurou:" i found you sen"

"huh is that really him?" i slightly opened my eyes and there i saw the golden orbs i had loved. i reached up to caress his face, its warm it really is him. i smiled and passed out.

3rd person pov

kyoujurou arrived at a cave where the trail had led him and horrifically saw the bloody body of sen sealed to the ground with spikes. he called her name to see if she was still alive, he heard a small mumble "kyoujurou is that you?" he was relieved that she was alright. he drawed his sword and started to break the seals. when he finally broke all of them he covered her freezing body with the haori he made for her.

"i found you sen" he said

she opened her eyes and caresses his face with her cold fingers and passed out. yushiro had just arrived.

yushiro:" tsk look at the state you're in"

he then injected her with the cure.

yushiro:" over the next few days her body will start to reject his cells, until it eventually thins back down to how she was before this is still a drug in process it isnt strong enough to completely wipe out his cells"

kyoujurou:" thank you yushiro"

yusbiro:"during this time she will be extremely weak so make sure to care for her right this time"

they both headed down the mountain, " we're finally going home sen"

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