ch46 one last visit

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sen:" kyoujurou do you want to go on a trip and visit everyone?"

kyoujurou:" it has been quite a while but the last time we traveled to tanjiro's house you collapsed remember"

he said while crossing his arms and staring daggers into sen.

sen:" but kyoujurou~"

sen whined and layed her head on his lap.

kyoujurou:" later once you're better"

he patted her head

sen:" but if i dont move around i wont ever get better please dear?"

kyoujurou:" no"

sen:" meanie"

he chuckled with his usual bright smile.

kyoujurou:" why do you want to go so much right now, we have all the time in the world to go"

she flinched slightly and her smile slightly faltered "if only we did" she thought before picking her smile back up.

sen:" because im bored and i miss everyone its been nearly a year!"

kyoujurou:" sigh alright if only you promise to take it easy with lots if breaks"

sen's eyes lit up and sparkled, she quickly jolted up and pushed kyoujurou down with a hug laughing.

sen:" yay! i promise"

kyoujurou sighed and patted her back looking up at the sky, "i can never win against her stubbornness" he thought. he got up and gave sen a kiss before leaving to inform senjuro and their father of their plans. "i should send a letter to yushio" she thought, with kyoujurou gone to deliver a message she took this chance to write one to him about her current condition.


two days later they left the former demon slayer corps to visit their former comrads, they first visited mitsuri and obanai who were the closest to them.

mitsuri:" ah! sen san rengoku san"

she jumped in excitement.

sen:"its good to see you again misturi obanai san"

obanai:" yes i heard from mitsuri you gave birth to a daughter she hasnt been able to stop talking about it"

kyoujurou untied the saddle that held kyouka on his back and showed misturi.

misturi" WAAAH HOW CUTE"

kaburamaru who was acting as misturi's arms and obanai's eyes nuzzled kyouka making her giggle. they spent a few days together with them helping out and going to festivals and catching up, they enjoyed their time together until the very last day. sen handed them a gift box of misturi's favorite sakura mochi. before leaving she pulled them aside and asked them if they had anything they wanted to say to the people who passed, confused they answered her question but before they could ask why sen and kyoujurou waved them goodbye and went of to visit asahi.

kyoujurou:" asahi was your master right?"

sen:" yes he was a former wind pillar before his retirement"

kyoujurou:" humu i cant wait to meet this respectable man"

sen chuckled after hearing kyoujurou describe asahi as respectable, though in a sense he was his personality was a horrible fit for that title.
they arrived at the front door of his house and before knocking sen looked at kyoujurou with a serious expression.

sen:" kyoujurou..."

kyoujurou:" yes?"

sen:" i want you to stay alert and be warned you might get attacked"

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