ch26 be mine

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sen:" sorry did i wake you?"

my eyes shot open and i saw sen awake sitting beside me while patting my head, " am i dreaming?" i mumbled

sen:" you aren't dreaming silly"

i sat up and tears started to form i embraced her in a warm hug.

kyoujuro:" why did you suddenly fall asleep for so long? i was so worried"

she smiled and giggled it was a smile that i had missed it felt like years since i had last saw it.

sen:" im sorry for worrying you"

i let go of her to see her face, she really is awake i felt something beat deep within me, then she noticed something beside me.

sen:" kyoujurou what are those pieces of paper lying beside you?"

i looked over and smiled.

kyoujuro:" its something that tanjiro had gave me a while ago after the mission"

sen pov

kyoujurou handed me the pieces of paper and i was shocked to see multiple pictures of myself in the red light district dancing and smiling. when was this taken? i dont remem- and suddenly i realized the clicking sound i heard and that objects zenitsu was holding they had planned this all along. the pictures of myself were truly captivating they must've put so much effort in taking these for kyoujurou, but wait why did they take them for him? then kyoujurou suddenly said

kyoujurou:"everytime i looked at them while you were asleep i fell in love over and over again"

what did he say? did i mishear him? i looked over at him wide eyed and just before could ask him he cupped my face and kissed me. i stared blankly at him unable to process what just happened.

kyoujurou:" i love you sen"

the moonlight from outside my room shined on us and i felt tears forming i started to cry, kyoujurou cupped my face and put his forehead to mine and repeatedly said "i love you" words that i had waited for so long words that i had wanted to hear him say words that i couldn't say to him first because i was afraid i finally heard them.

kyoujurou:" sen... will you be mine?"

i cupped his face and smiled a smile of a girl experiencing the happiest moment of her life and said

sen:" im already yours, i love you kyoujurou"

sen:" im already yours, i love you kyoujurou"

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