ch12 a realization

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i was sitting the roof and it was midnight i was still wearing the haori rengoku gave me, and when i looked at it i couldn't helo but think " they must be fighting about now, i hope rengoku san is alright" i thought wait why am i only thinking about him tanjiro zenitsu and inosuke are there too aren't they? waaahahaa" why am i like this, but even so i couldn't stop thinking of that smile he showed me, is it sonething you would show to someone who was your natural enemy? just then shinobu appeared beside me

shinobu:" hello sen san"

sen:" shinobu san!"

i hugged her while whining

sen:" shinobu san what should i do?"

shinobu:" ara ara is this perhaps about rengoku san?"

i started blushing before nodding i then buried my face in my palms in embarrassment.

sen:" how did you know?"

shinobu chuckled

shinobu:" aha are you perhaps inlove?"

sen:" whaat n-no way what are you saying shinobu san"

shinobu:" i mean whenever i saw you talk to him you always had this bright smile and so did he"

just then i heard something crack " me in love with rengoku?" i stared blankly into space before shinobu pulled me back into reality.

sen:" no way it must just be because he has been so kind to me"

shinobu chuckled before looking at the moon

shinobu:" the moon really is lovely tonight, i remembered something he told me before you joined"

flash back

rengoku:" shinobu san i saw someone quite interesting today during my mission, she wasnt a demon slayer but she was quite strong and pretty i saw her save one of the boys in the corps"

shinobu:" hmm thats quite rare for you to take such interest in someone rengoku san"

rengoku:" aha aha thats because when i occasionally went back to visit and see how she was doing, everytime she was either saving people or wondering around and also because...i should go talk to her the next time i visit"

end of flashback

shinobu:"after that when he went to visit you weren't there anymore but you suddenly showed up here at the corps after two years, as a half demon rengoku was both shocked and happy to see you again sen san"

that made me realize is that why he didnt say anything about me being a demon and why i had always saw a man with blonde and red hair wondering around town?, i looked up at the moon and i felt happy to know he wenf there to see me.

shinobu:" thanks to you sen san me and my nee-sans dream of wanting to be friends with demons have been partially full filled"

sen:" no i should be thankful for you being so kind towards me even when im a demon"

she had a sad smile, not long after shinobu left and it was just me and my thoughts i grabbed the hem of my haori and thought " maybe i do love him, but does he? would he still be so kind after seeing my reverted self? or would he act the same as everyone else. why am i being so negative "arghhh stop thinking its late now i need to go get some rest" i got up but before i could head down to my room the one thing i feared most happened.

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