ch39 bound to you forever

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time passed quickly and before we could realize its two days before the wedding, everything has been planned out during our spare time after training all we needed was a wedding dress. with our busy schedule along with the wedding preparations, many of the junior slayers didnt show an ounce of improvement and frankly it started to piss me off.

sen:" you, you, you, and the group there, are you guys even trying? its been a month and surprisingly you guys are still here"

i said eith an irk mark bulging on my head.

the juniors:" but sen sama we aren't talented like tanjiro san and the others"

sen:" if you're trying to wiggle your way out by saying you're not talented you must be dreaming, zenitsu isnt talented either but he still managed to pass my session in a few days do you know why?"

they gulped not daring to ask

sen:" because he actually worked hard unlike you worthless idiots you might all die in vain when we go to war at this rate"

i heard a laugh in the distance, it was kyoujurou who was watching me chew out the juniors.

sen:" what are you laughing about? hmm?"

kyoujurou:" i mean you're acting alot like shinazugawa right now and its cute since you dislike each other"

he hugged me from behind while resting his chin on my shoulder.

kyoujurou:" humu work hard i know you guys can do it believe in yourself and set your heart ablaze if you manage to pass sen's session you'll be stronger than you were before so work hard"

they all looked at kyoujurou tears in their eyes from the encouragement i sighed and glared at them. they flinched and hurriedly went back to train.

sen:" anyway what are you doing here kyoujurou?"

kyoujurou:" amane sama called for us so i came to pick you up"

sen:" hmm? but i didnt hear anything from my crow"

kyoujurou:" thats because you were so busy scolding them you didnt hear so it asked me to bring you with me"

i covered my face with my hands that stupid bird, i told the people still training that i would be back and if i caught them slacking this would no longer be a breath training but an endurance training from beatings. we left the training grounds and headed to the ubuyashiki estate. surprisingly uzui san was also there, i had thought he retired so what is he doing here?

uzui:" yo you two look flamboyantly nice together"

sen:" its nice to see you well, but what are you doing here didnt you retire?"

uzui:" im here to help kyoujurou since there isnt enough male helpers right now"

i wondered what he meant by that amane and the twin ubuyashiki girls led me to a room separate from the room uzui and kiriya took kyoujurou to. amane san then proceeded to take out a box and inside it was a beautiful shiromoku ( traditional Japanese wedding dress)

sen:" amane san this is"

amane:" when rengoku san came to me for permission for your trip to the swordsman village he informed me of his plans to propose so i made you a shiromoku thinking you would ve needing one"

sen:" amane sama this is such an honor i cant possibly accept"

amane disregarded what i said and took out the shiromoku the two girls then began to undress me to try on the shiromoku. my eyes began to tear up

sen:" thank you amane sama it must've took so long to make"

amane:" its alright seeing one of oyakata sama's children getting married makes me more than happy to make one"

i looked at myself in the mirror i really looked like a bride a scene i never dreamed of happening. slowly but surely the day i had awaited came.


it was evening and the ceremony was set to take place at night so yushiro nezuko and tamayo san could attend, mitsuri uzui's wives and amane tended to me and helped me get ready, meanwhile uzui kiriya and tanjiro tended to kyoujurou.

kyoujurou pov

the day i have been patiently waiting for has arrived i can finally make sen mine.

uzui:" look at that smug face looking all happy"

tanjiro:" you must be excited rengoku san im so happy for you"

kyoujurou:" thank you, honestly im a little nervous"

i laughed, i cant wait to see how beautiful sen will look. uzui helped me put on the wedding haori and tapped me on the shoulder.

uzui:" you look flamboyant just what i expected from the flame pillar"

tanjiro:" right? show we go now rengoku san we cant keep everyone waiting"

kamdo boy smiled and handed me a lantern, we decided it was best to hold the ceremony outside instead of a traditional one since it wasn't convenient. i headed outside and there i saw sen dressed in white holding a lantern under the moonlight, it made me reminisce when i first met her 5 years ago in that forest. she turned around and smiled at me, i held out my hand to her and we walked down the isle with everyone there cheering for us even my father in law. it was the happiest day of our lives since the day i proposed making her mine and mine alone.

 it was the happiest day of our lives since the day i proposed making her mine and mine alone

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3rd person pov

they both happily went through with the ceremony and said their vows and celebrated this day that was like a calm before the storm, savoring every second not knowing who might die in the uncomming war that could be tomorrow or even a year from now, but everyone put aside their worries and enjoyed themselves. and the girl who had no last name finally obtained one rengoku sen. the ceremony soon ended and it was nearly midnight uzui tapped kyoujurou on the shoulder and whispered "make sure to flamboyantly impregnate her alright?" he grinned evilly making kyoujurou as red as a rose. everyone returned home and the newlyweds went to their new estate where their home would be. kyoujurou nervously read a book knowing what was about to happen next, sen entered the room after just taking a bath and noticed kyoujurou's nervous state and it began to make her anxious as well.

sen:" kyoujurou dear... your book is upside down"

kyoujurou:" i- i-"

he covered his face in embarrassment, sen thought that he was cute and quietly walked over to him and held his hands revealing an innocent and flushed kyoujurou. she grinned before sitting on his lap and laying her head against his collarbone, and started humming while tracing the creases on his hands. it calmed kyoujurou down listening to her sweet voice.

kyoujurou:" sen?"

sen:" what is it?"

she lifted her head up to face him with a smile

kyoujurou:" can i kiss you?"

sens eyes widened at his sudden question before laughing.

sen:" alright"

kyoujurou leaned in for a kiss and it lit a fire in them, kyoujurou pushed her down onto the soft futon and slowly started undressing her to reveal her soft skin. he noticed all her scars and one particular one pained him the most, it was the scar from the injury she got when she protected him from akaza. she gave the scar a kiss, making her flinch and blush he kissed every single scar on her body no matter how big or small and in that long passionate night they became one.

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