ch25 i miss you

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it has been a month and sen still hasnt woken up, im starting to get worried that she might never wake up. how many months how many days hours minutes will she stay asleep, im willing to wait any amount of time but please dont leave me in your sleep. i remembered a conversation i had with kamado boy the day sen had made me baked potatoes, he came to visit me after his rehabilitation training.

flash back

kyoujurou:" hmm? oh kamado boy"

tanjiro:" rengoku san! you're getting discharged soon thats great"

kyoujurou:" yes i cant wait to get out of bed and train"

tanjiro:" huh sen san isnt here today, she's usually always here"

kyoujurou:"she went out earlier today she should be comming back soon"

tanjiro looked at me and sniffed before smiling kindly

tanjiro:" rengoku san... do you like sen san?"

shocked from the sudden question my eyes widened and i started to blush from embarrassment.

kyoujurou:" was it that obvious?"

tanjiro:" no i just picked up a scent of love whenever you talked about her have you confessed yet?"

i looked down with a expression of sorrow and love

kyoujurou:" no... not yet im afraid she would reject me, she always had this free feeling like she could be blown away by the wind and i worry that she still feels burdened and afraid of love"

tanjiro:" i dont think she would i mean she looked so happy being around you"

end of flash back

remembering what he had said gave me courage if you ever wake up from your sleep i promise that i will protect you and love you with all my heart. another week had passed and it was evening and i just came back from a mission with minor injuries and i saw senjuro sweeping the yard.

kyoujurou:" senjuro im back"

senjuro saw me and smiled brightly before dropping his broom and ran towards me, i extended my arms for a hug. the encounter with akaza must've really scared him.

senjuro:" welcome back nii-san you aren't hurt are you?"

kyoujurou:"nope just a scratch on my face and forehead"

senjuro:" thats good"

kyoujurou:"has she woken up yet?"

the smile on senjuros face suddenly faltered and i felt i drop in my heart did something happen to her? i was getting anxious for his reply hoping what i had feared didnt happen.

senjuro:" father brought another doctor in yesterday to check on her but nothing changed and she is still asleep"

kyoujurou:" i see.."

i felt relived and disappointed at the same time.

senjuro:" but tanjiro san visited earlier this morning to see her and he said that maybe she is doing something similar to what his sister did and is recovering her strength by sleeping"

kyoujurou:"i hope so... im going to go check up on her"

i took a warm bath and changed my clothes into something more comfortable before heading to room she was in. i opened the door hoping i would see her awake but unfortunately she want, and like always she was lying there lifeless. i sat down next to her taking out something tanjiro had given me a month before and it made my heart flutter. i was starting to get tired from my mission so i laid down beside her i whispered " i love you" and fell asleep. i had a dream about my childhood i was sleeping on my mother's lap as she patted my head, " kyoujurou one day when you meet the love of your life make sure to treasure her so she doesn't slip away before you know it" she said. i had started to wake up when i felt something soft but familiar playing with my hair.

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