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the next day

tanjiro had left towards the swordsman village apparently his sword forger refused to make one for him, meanwhile me and kyoujurou received an order for a three day investigation at a nearby town. the reports had said muzan had been sighted there, my blood boiled at the thought of the man who caused so much tragedy could be so close go our grasps. i headed towards the gates where kyoujurou was waiting at.

sen:" good morning kyoujurou"

kyoujurou:" good morning, you ready sen?"

sen:" mhm"

he held my hand and we both began to run towards the town to investigate,

sen:" ne kyoujurou? do you think muzan really is there?"

kyoujurou:" mmm maybe even if he is im sure we'll do fine"

i smiled at him after that we just chatted away about normal topics on our journy there. how much longer will this peace last? it was still bright outside we had a few hours to rest before the investigation can take place, we went to a nearby inn to rest we would be here for a few days so we might as well.

in keeper:" welcome dear costumers"

kyoujuro:" hello we would like a room for two"

eh? a room for two but not two separate rooms?

inn keeper:" oh my comming right up make sure to try to keep the noise down at night alright?"

she said with a smirk, my face became as red as a tomato


kyoujurous face had also turned red but he started to laugh hysterically. we headed up to our room and got changed into something more comfortable, kyoujurou was sitting by the window looking outside while i sat it the table reading a book. i was feeling uneasy about the investigation and i started to frown, kyoujurou noticed he walked over and laid his head on my lap before hugging my waist. attempting to cheer me up, he was like a fluffy cat nuzzling against me.

kyoujurou:" dont worry too much, ill protect you if anything happens"

i patted his head ruffling his soft hair.

kyoujurou:" ne sen?"

sen:" what is it?"

kyoujurou:" i want to hear you sing, like how you did in the red light district"

i chuckled at his cuteness and began humming a lullaby i had heard long ago.( imagine something like isabellas lullaby from tpn) i could feel a smile forming against my stomach, i wish i could stop time. before long nightime came and we began our work. even though it was night the streets were still bustling with people." this is going to be a problem" i thought. we headed out to the streets checking the most populated places, muzan could be anywhere he could be disguised as a child even me and kyoujurou cannot lower our gaurd. after looking around the sound had started to rise with no signs of muzan near, we headed back to the in to write a report to oyakata sama. i started to get drousy after staying up for a whole night and i started to nod. i heard a giggle in the background before a warm hand pushed my head onto a soft lap.

kyoujuro:" good work for today, you should sleep"

sen:" im planning to do just that you... should sleep... too"

and before long wr both fell asleep with the wind blowing against our faces. the in keeper came to check on us.

inn keeper:" oh my how sweet they look, i better not disturb them"

today is the second day of our mission and i was starting to get restless.

sen:" kyoujurouuuuuu"

i whined making him laugh at me, i just pouted at him while rolling on the floor. i layed on my back staring at the ceiling when my favorite golden orbs appeared staring back at me, he leaned down for a kiss and i grinned.

kyoujurou:" why dont we go out since you're so bored sen?"

i nodded at him and he pulled me up we hid our swords in our haori and kyoujurou grabbed my hand, we went outside looking around and eating snacks, it reminded me of the time when asahi used to drag me around town when he didnt want to train me. i wonder how he is doing about now i giggled. kyoujurou also smiled seeing me happy. i started to hum while walking around with kyoujurou, everyone seemed so happy and carefree not knowing a demon was lurking among them.

kyoujurou: " sen"

sen:" what is i- KYAAA"

kyoujurou had lifted me up on his shoulders giving me a piggy back ride and started running around.

sen:" k-kyoujurou everyone is watching"

he just laughed not having a care in the world, my long hair flowed in the wind making me enjoy the breeze.

kyoujurou:" i love you so much"

sen:" i love you too"

just as we were enjoying ourselves i heard a familiar voice i hadn't heard in 8 years, and also one i didnt want to hear again.

person:" is that really you sen?"

kyoujurou stopped and we both looked at the man my eyes widened and the atmosphere around me became cold "why is this bastard here i thought"

kyoujurou:" sen do you know him?"

sen:"... hes... my father"

i said in a cold voice.

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