ch11 tanjiro 2

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after that everything went smoothly after nezuko refused his blood in disgust and they were both taken away by the kakushi towards the butterfly estate for treatment it seems ubuyashiki knows tamayo san as well since he asked him to send his regards, " i should go visit him after" i thought, after a while we were dismissed. when i entered the room where tanjiro and his friends were getting treated i could hear a loud scream by a blonde boy whos limbs were shortened by a demon.

sen:" how are you doing tanjiro san?"

tanjiro:" ah sen san i was surprised to see you at the meeting so you're a hashira"

i chuckled a bit

sen:" yes i didnt expect you head butt sanemi like that it was really interesting to watch"

i laughed and tanjiro just blushed in embarrassment.

zenitsu:" tanjiro who is this beautiful lady do you know her? and i hear something weird about her.

tanjiro had a gentle smile before looking at me, i nodded to him gesturing that he could tell them about me he really is a kind soul.

tanjiro:" zenitsu she is sen san she is one of the hashira and you probably know this by now but like nezuko she is a demon"

zenitsu:" huh HUUUUUHHHH A DEMON?!?"

tanjiro:" zenitsu shhhhhh be quiet"

sen:" aha aha... its alright most people already knows and its true though i am only half... ah shinobu san"

shinobu:" my my its quite lively in here isnt it"

zenitsu;" huh but how did they allow a half demon among the hashira i was sure they would've opposed it since its against the rules"

shinobu:" ara ara would you mind explaining sen san?"

sen:" like your sister nezuko sanemi did the same thing towards me"

i explained to process to them and my battle against sanemi after and how i was accepted into the pillars. everyone seemed amazed by the fact i was accepted into thr pillars so easily.

time pass

a month has passed and the boys are in their rehabilitation training i have been helping around while also going on missions, i then went outside to the garden to see rengoku standing there staring at the sky.

sen:" are you going on a mission?"

rengoku:" yes 40 peopl have disappeared on a train anf all of the slayers we sent aren't responding theres likely a twelve kizuki there"

i felt something i ache i had a bad feeling about this mission as if its a premonition, and there's no way he would listen if i told him to not go"

sen:" rengoku san can you come here for a sec... and close your eyes"

rengoku san walks over to where i am in the shade and i make him crouch down a little since he is quite tall, i dont want to loose him since he is the only one who has been so nice to me other than shinobu, knowing that im a demon i bit my lip to use a technique " blood demon art devils protection" i then kissed him on the forehead, in case something is about to happen i will be summoned.

rengoku pov

i walked over to her like she asked and closed my eyes like she asked i wonder why, moments later i heard a slight crack like the tearing of skin then i heard her say " blood demon art devils protection" i was about to open my eyes and ask what she did before i felt something soft get planet on my forehead, i pulled back in shock and i started to blush a bit after realizing what she did.

sen:" there we go have a safe trip im sorry but im worried something might happen to you so i put a temporary protection spell, i hope you font mind"

rengoku just smiled

rengoku:" i see thank you i can go on my mission without worry then... i have to get going bye AHA HAHAHAH"

sen pov

he then hurriedly left the estate to his mission i wish i could join him i thought. i went to the training grounds to see how the boys are doing with their total concentration constant and it seems tanjiro had mastered it." hmm i should go do some training as well since i have nothing to do". just as i was about to leave tanjiro noticed me and came to greet me.

tanjiro:" good morning sen san, are you here to do some training?"

sen:" good morning tanjiro, yes im here to do some training while waiting for my next mission"

tanjiro:" i see then would you like to train with us sen san we could use some help"

i looked at him and patted his head with a smile and i nodded.

sen:" alright lets see how much you guys have improved"

i then spent the next few days training with tanjiro and the others before they were sent to join rengoku san.

tanjiro in the distance:" TAKE CARE SEN SAN"

i waved them goodbye before heading back in.

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