ch7 tamayo san im back

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as i was running around i directed all the injured slayers that could move out the mountain a few kakushi already arrived to help those who couldn't, though this mountain is stained in blood i couldn't help but admire the beautiful flowers growing on the trees. then suddenly an invisible slash headed towards me i managed to block it with my sword but i still got slammed into the surrounding trees creating a few bruises.

suddenly a snake like demon appeared sneering at me "this demon must've devoured thousands" i could tell by the aura surrounding it.

pov sen

the air around sen started to grow cold after encountering the snake demon which was the last and strongest demon left on the mountain, the snake demon began to attack and this one was much faster than the others, they exhanged a few blowes and she went in fir the finishing blow. but before sen was able to decapitate the demon a kakushi appeared gaining the attention of the demon causing it to attack the kakushi, sen pushed the kakushi away but instead got tied to a tree with the snakes tail unable to move.

sen"i guess i have no choice huh, you kakushi get out of here now before you get killed"

the kakushi obediently obeyed and thanked sen before leaving, just as the snake was about to use a blood demon art to kill sen a mark appeared on her and she reverted into a demon. "blood demon art crimson eye" the demon shattered into pieces upon her gaze.

snake demon:" y-you your also a DEMON WHY ARE YOU HELPING THE HUMANS"

sen;" do not group me with your kind"

she said before decapitating the demon. "ah its finally morning, i should visit tamayo san its been two years and im close to the village she resides in"

sen pov

after helping out a bit i sent a report to oyakata sama about what had transpired, i then left to visit tamayo sama and asahi san even though i was tired i couldn't wait to see her again so without resting i dashed towards the village. by the time i got there it was midnight yet it was still bright out with people bustling around and its bright lights, i decided to have some tempura since i was hungry. after i finished with dinner i got up to go to tamayo's place when i had arrived everything was a mess i had sensed another demon" was it sent by muzan?" i quickly dashed to the scene to see tamayo casting a spell and an familiar demon boy was standing beside her. is that the child she had saved? so he survived i thought.

after the temari demon fell under tamayo san's spell it started begging for mercy before i horrifying scene took place arms bursted out of her body as it began to dismember her, a demon slayer boy with a scar on his forehead crawled up beside me i knelt down to help him.

sen:" are you alright?"

tanjiro:" y-yes! im fine but who are you?"

i flashed a smile at him before i heard someone approach us, it was the boy tamayo saved

yushiro:" who are you and why are you here, never mind that dont go inhaling tamayo sama's spell its harmful to the human body"

tamayo then started to walk over upon hearing someone else was present and to her surprise it was someone she hadnt seen in a long while.

tamayo:" sen is that you"

sen:" yes i came to visit but it seems something transpired while i was comming here"

tanjiro:" tamayo san do you know her?"

tamayo:" yes she is the half demon girl i told you about that i took in though it seems you also became a demon slayer"

sen:" ha ha... some things happened"

tamayo:" tanjiro... she is not part of the twelve kizuki the twelve kizuki have numbers engraved on their eyeballs but this demon doesnt have one most likely the other isnt one either they are too weak"

tanjiro exclaimed in shock

tanjiro:" too weak at that level?!?

the demon boy with tamayo san agreed with her, tamayo san then took some blood from the demon girl why was she doing that i wondered?

tamayo:" im going to take care of nezuko im sorry not only did i medicate her she also inhaled my spell inadvertently im so sorry"

the demon boy then rushed to her side not wanting to leave her.

sen:" can you move tanjiro san?"

tanjiro:" im sorry i cant i dont have any strength left after that battle"

sen:"hmm ill carry you then"

i put tanjiro on my back giving him a piggy back ride and we headed inside where tamayo was. so much has happened since i was gone but it was stilm the same as i remember.

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