ch32 come back please

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his mind went through chaos hoping that it was all a lie "no it cant be true" he howled as he begged for the heavens to not take her away. " PLEASE I WILL DO ANYTHING JUST DONT TAKE MY LOVE AWAY" he cried while holding her tight. he suddenly felt a twitch he looked down calling her name.

kyoujurou:" sen are you alright are you alive"

sen:" run..... away...."

kyoujurou:" what?"

her eyes opened and it was no longer the same crimson eyes he adored but that of a cruel demons, she growled as fangs and claws grew. holding herself back she screamed.


as she had suspected she lost control, she went feral and her eyes went white she craved for a human destroying anything in her way. she had even started to attack the one she loved so dearly, hurting both him and herself.

kyoujurou:" sen... snap out of it"

he defending himself with his sword against the demon who was once the kind and strong woman he loved, not daring to attack her he could only defend himself from her attacks. sen had just then noticed a old woman who was passing by after hearing a commotion.

woman:" what is happening here"


sen tried to attack the woman but was held back by kyoujurou who held her from behind, the woman hurriedly ran away horrified. he struggled to hold her as she was resisting, they crashed through walls and buildings making kyoujurou wince in pain but still not letting her go. when suddenly red chains formed around them binding her. "aren't these her blood demon art?" kyoujurou thought, before the battle had began sen placed a spell on herself to prevent herself from hurting human. he took the chance and evacuated the nearby citizens, he didn't know what to do.

he cried asking his mother for even a hint on what he could do, he was hopeless. the lullaby that sen had sung to him before popped into his head, and reminded him of what she said.
" this was a song i heard in my childhood, tamayo san the person who raised me sang this to calm me down whenever i threw a fit". remembering those words he hugged her while patting her head and began singing the song with a sorrowful expression. she dug her claws into him making him groan in pain but he didn't stop singing, tears started to drop and sen had temporarily regained control.

sen:" sniff... kyoujurou im so sorry"

kyoujurou:" its alright everything will be fine"

he rocked her back and forth like a child. sen then saw kyoujurou's blood on her hand making her cry even harder than she did, she pushed him and flashed him a sorrowful smile with her eyes closed with tears dripping down.

sen:" im sorry kyoujurou"

kyoujurou smiled and was just about to say something when he felt a chop to his neck, as he was falling sen caughg him, and just before loosing consciousness he heard her say "i love you". obanai and shinobu arrived moments kater after hearing a report that called for backup, they saw the broken walls and houses with a injured kyoujurou on the ground. but sen was nowhere to be found.


ubuyashiki called for an emergency pillar meeting while kyoujurou was unconscious. he read them the letter sen had sent him before.

ubuyashiki:" sen had predicted this and wrote this beforehand"

mitsuri:" she knew and yet she still protected rengoku san how brave"

obanai:" and that so called braveness caused more trouble for us"

gyomei:" ah how sad "

ubuyashiki:" she has likely became a full-fledged demon now after getting injected with his blood"

sanemi:" tsk since she said it herself lets kill her"

ubuyashiki:" before that there is someone i would like to introduce"

tamayo and yushiro then stepped forward making everyone shocked.

ubuyashiki:" shinobu i would like you to collaborate with her to create a cure"

obanai:" oyakata sama that woman is a demon"

tamayo:" i am a demon but im also a doctor, i raised sen thus i do not want to see her die i proposed this idea to create a cure before killing her"

ubuyashiki:" yes and i hope you all accept, keep this from kyoujurou, like sen said he may become rash"

after that his wife ubuyashiki amane took over the meeting, explaining something that had happened in the swordsman village. nezuko had concurred the sun, and strange marks had appeared on misturi and muichiro. they proposed a pillar training session to take place at a later date, the main priority was looking for sen while going on missions.

kyoujurou woke up the next day with broken bones and flesh wounds. he stood up running around the estate looking for sen.

aoi:" hey! rengoku sama you shouldn't be up"

he ignored her and continued to look, tanjiro who was in recovery at the time noticed him.

tanjiro:" rengoku san calm down your injuries will get worse"

kyoujurou:" kamado boy have you seen sen?"

tanjiro looked at him with a sad face," should i tell him? he deserves to know" tanjiro brought him to a bed and made him sit down before explaining.

tanjiro:" can you promise not to do anything rash if i tell you? sen san would be mad at me if i told you."

kyoujurou:" i promise"

he began to explain the situation, the contents of the letter she sent the search and that a cure was being developed and if it wasn't complete by the time they find her she would be executed on the spot. kyoujurou looked devastated.

kyoujurou:" i couldn't protect her yet again"

tanjiro:" it wasnt your fault rengoku san you were up against muzan"

he looked at tanjiro with a small smile as gratitude for telling him. kyoujurous crow flew in and landed on his shoulder.

crow:" caw caw letter letter, for kyoujurou by sen"

kyoujurou's eyes widened and hurriedly took the letter from the crow, he opened it and began to read

" i suspected that tanjiro would have told you so i wrote this beforehand if you were to ever find out. i cannot afford to loose you, i will use any means necessary to protect you so if what i fear comes to pass i just want you to know i love you i chose to do this so do not blame yourself "

kyoujurou began to cry while holding onto the letter and the hairpin that the crow had picked up, tanjiro patted kyoujurou to comfort him just like how sen did.

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