ch43 my sweet

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months went by and we're still not used to this peace, it felt like it was only yesterday when we would go on missions and risk our lives to slay demons. me and kyoujurou went back to the rengoku estate for a visit.

kyoujurou:" sen should you be up right now?"

kyoujurou said with a worried look, it was one month before my due date and my body has been gradually getting weaker.

sen:" dont worry so much im alright"

i chuckled he came over and gave me a hug from behind while supporting my stomach.

kyoujurou:" it must be heavy"

i closed eye smiled at him.

sen:" would you like to listen? it has been really active these days, i can tell it took after your energeticness"

kyoujurou's eyes beamed in glee i carefully sat down by the porch to let him listen, he smiled so brightly when a sudden nudge kicked him i laughed.

kyoujurou:" sen our child is already so strong it even kicked its father"

sen:" hai hai"

i rubbed his cheek to make him feel better, he held my hand and nuzzled his face against it.

senjuro:" nee-san i brought some snacks"

sen:" ah thank you senjuro"

he placed the plate of carefully made daifuku and tea beside me and sat down, a sweet i had been craving recently.

senjuro:" its almost time huh"

kyoujurou:" humu senjuro i know you'll be a great uncle"

i rubbed my stomach and looked up to the sky, "i cant wait to meet you my child"

senjuro:" do you know if its a girl or a boy yet?"

sen:" i had kanao check a few weeks ago she said it might be a girl, but its only a guess"

kyoujurou:" either way we'll love it all the same"'

sen:" ne kyoujurou? can we go visit that wisteria garden?"

kyoujurou:" you mean the one where the final selection was?"

sen:" yes, i heard it was beautiful but i never had the chance to go partially because i had demon blood and sanemi was the one to test me"

kyoujurou:" hmm alright! but it is a bit far..."

he stood up suddenly making me confused, he then suddenly picked me up and placed me on his shoulder.

sen:" k-kyoujurou?!? what are you doing im too heavy and you aren't as strong as before because of your injuries"

kyoujurou:" this is nothing i am a fromer hashira even if i am weaker now thid is the least i could do we'll be back senjuro"

he said before setting of towards the wisteria garden.

he said before setting of towards the wisteria garden

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