12. don't look now

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narrator's pov.

you woke up with your for once, i was glad not to be in my own bed.

you pushed rintarou's hair back, "are you awake?"

he looked up and stared at you. "yeah."


"yeah," he repeated,

i reached over to grab my phone from the side table. "it's only 7, go back to sleep."

"can you scratch my head?" he asked.

"do you have lice?"

"y/n, do i look like i have lice?" he muffled, head buried in my chest.

you pushed his head off of you, "as much as as i'd love to stay here, i think it would be a waste of a morning we could be spending out."

"it's too cold," he said.

"move to my side while i get ready, okay?"

"no, wait, stay y/n," he groaned, "where are you going?"

"did i not just tell you?"

he sighed, "so you're not staying?"

you shook your head.

— — — <3

you were at the mall in yesterday's jeans with his shirt that you slept in.

"can you grab my phone from my bag please?" you asked. he reached into your bag and passed it to you.

tooru !
12 missed calls

tooru !

tooru !
y/n, where are you?

tooru !
pick up please

tooru !
at least read my messages???

& 20+ more messages

"oh shit."

"what happened?"

"hold on, i have to call my brother."

you clicked on his messages and scrolled through the many that he left. you even checked his missed calls, only to realise that he only started trying to contact me from 9am.

all that time and he only realised you were gone... an hour ago?

calling... tooru !


"yes, tooru. i'm alright, i promise. i forgot to call and tell you that i was staying in tokyo with... with family."

"mom didn't tell me you were doing tha-"

"i didn't tell mom. it was a surprise visit because i didn't wanna be on the train late and everything. i'm sorry for worrying you, just, please don't tell mom?"

[✓] 𝐒𝐇𝐄'𝐒 𝐒𝐎 𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐄 . suna rintarouWhere stories live. Discover now