42. the birds and the bees

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narrator's pov.
campus cafe.

you walked back to the table you were studying at with your friends. "that was like the fifth time you went to the bathroom," yukie said as she sipped on her coffee.

"i stay hydrated," you sat down.

"what if you're pregnant?" yukie theorised.

"dude, don't even say that," kaori said, completely disgusted with the thought of having kids.

you dismissed yukie's thought, "i'm sure i'm not, i'm on birth control and it's like 99% successful."

yukie hummed disagreeing, "it's more like 91% for most people."

"yeah, but i use it perfectly. 7:34 every night, never miss it."

kaori continued typing on her keyboard, "that's so... specific."

"have you been tired, nauseous, moody, et cetera?" yukie asked.

"yeah, but that's just because i have pms, right?" you tired to reason.

"uh, have you missed a period?"

"okay, yeah, but sometimes periods are delayed due to stress!"


you were in complete denial, "you're not telling me i've been spending half my pay-check on birth control and it might not be working. i can't be pregnant."

"hear me out," yukie started, "what if suna has like super strong sperm?"

you slowly began peeling your mandarin, "i don't know if that's- is that how it works?"

"how often do you do it?" kaori asked.

"i don't know, like four times a week?" you replied, fumbling with the fruit in your hands awkwardly.

"how many rounds?"

you were a little embarrassed talking so openly about your sex life, "why is this necessary?"

"sperm lives inside you for like five days," yukie told you. "if he cums a lot... oh lord."

"wait, what? so i just have a bunch of sperm inside my vagina right now?"

"it's their vagina now," she said.

"this is a fun conversation," keiji chimed in.

"so fun," akinori added.

they had been sitting there for the entire time, just listening to the three of you.

"oh gosh, i forgot you were both here."

keiji bit into his bagel and nodded silently while akinori added that "abstinence is the only birth control that is 100% effective."

"you should take a test, y/n," yukie advised.

"i don't want to," you pulled at your hair, completely stressed out now.

"you can't get an abortion if you're too far along," kaori told you.

yukie nodded, "yeah, it's illegal."

"that's the problem, i don't even know if that's what i want."

kaori stared at you as though you were out of your mind to even think of that. she couldn't imagine having a child ever, let alone at nineteen.

[✓] 𝐒𝐇𝐄'𝐒 𝐒𝐎 𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐄 . suna rintarouWhere stories live. Discover now