35. keep touching me (flashback)

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mature content ahead

narrator's pov.

it was like any other day in miyagi, except your brother had brought his friends over so you could go out.

it was summer break and you had all just come back from the beach. all of you had taken showers to wash off all of the salt water already, and issei had just finished his.

he searched through the bag in tooru's room for his phone, but he couldn't find it anywhere.

he walked up to your bedroom door and called your name. you hadn't replied so he knocked and called your name again a bit louder.

"maybe she's asleep," he thought. he thought wrong.

walking in, he couldn't see you on your bed, but he shrugged it off and went towards the tote bag that was sitting at the end of it. you'd probably left while he was showering, right?

you turned around and screamed when you saw him, accidentally letting go of your towel and desperately trying to pick it back up before he saw anything. you had just been grabbing clean clothes from your doorless closet after sitting in your towel for 20 minutes.

"shit, sorry, i didn't know you were in here!" he apologised, turning away.

"what are you even doing in my room?" you asked, extremely embarrassed.

"i was looking for my phone," he told you, still looking away.

"it's in my actual bag," you said. "the black one on my desk."

"you decent?"

"yes, issei, i have my towel on properly now. just go get it."

he turned around to go to your desk, rustling through your bag. "i can't find it."

"i know it's in there, did you check the inside pocket?" you crossed your arms, leaning against your closet's wall.

"what inside pocket?"

he was hopeless. you came up next to him and went through your bag. he held onto the edge of your desk, his arms flexing as he kept himself leaned against them.

you glanced over and back to your bag, but you had to get a double take. "what?" he laughed.

"nothing," you replied.

"i saw that look!"

"they're literally huge and you're flexing right next to me, of course i'm gonna look over," you smacked his arm.

"you know what else is huge and right next to you?"

you smiled and shook your head after taking a quick glance down at his towel, "you're so sexual all the time."

"i saw that too!"

"don't know what you're talking about," you played it off, pulling his phone out for him.

"you want me so bad," he joked.

"i don't, but what if i did?"

"oh? that's a little suspicious, y/n, don't you think?" he raised an eyebrow, pushing your hand down to place the phone on your desk.

"is it?" you asked, moving a bit closer.

"yeah, it sounds a lot like you do want me."

you leaned in a bit more, "again, what if i did?"

"if you did," he started, "then maybe i would have to give you what you want."

you smiled against his lips, coming in to kiss him. his arms wrapped around your waist, "jump."

[✓] 𝐒𝐇𝐄'𝐒 𝐒𝐎 𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐄 . suna rintarouWhere stories live. Discover now