41. can't sleep

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narrator's pov.
2 weeks later.

you'd woken up at 3:30am after a bad dream. rolling over, you'd expected to see rintarou next to you, but he wasn't.

you got out of bed and walked down the hall, stopping when you saw the tv playing in the dark of the living room. "suna?"

"y/n, sorry." he'd picked up on your habit of calling him by his last name when you were scared by now.

"rin, why aren't you in bed? the tv is loud, what if you wake someone up?"

"nah, they sleep through everything."

a strong gust of wind went past and you could hear it from behind the big sliding door. you dropped down next to him on the couch, "why are you up this early?"

"can't sleep."

"what's up?"

he shrugged, leaning his head against his hand. "i kinda miss ami."

rintarou had never been so long without being with his mom and ami. he'd been staying at his father's place for about two months now just because it was more convenient for work, but ami hadn't been over to visit once.

"you'll see her soon, won't you? weekends here?" you rubbed gentle circles over his back.

"i don't even know if she's coming until break. she told me i was a helicopter parent because i kept calling her last month, so i don't want to annoy her."

you chuckled at that, "i'm sure it'll be fine if you call her in the morning." he sighed. "it's late and you look really tired, are you ready to go back to bed?"

"i'm not tired enough to go to sleep though," he told you.

"that's alright, we can watch a movie out here or i could go back and leave you to think if that's what you'd like?"

"just come here," he opened his arms up. you wrapped your arms around him and pecked him quickly.

when you pulled back, you slipped the remote out of his hand and flicked over to the movie channel, opting to watch whatever old movie was playing on it.

you laid with your head in his lap, barely even watching. you were only awake because he kept criticising and asking questions.

"zack gets an entire soccer team to clean laney's house and her dad doesn't even notice."

"no pointing out stupid parts in my romcoms," you reprimanded. "can't believe you haven't seen this before."

"i don't really watch movies," he said.

"you get distracted," you replied. he let out a small chuckle and you opened your eyes, "what are you laughing about?"

"nothing, just the day we met."

you seemed confused, "what about it?"

did you seriously forget? "we went to the movies, y/n," he tried to jog your memory.

"ohhh, OH."

"yeah, there was a lot of that."

you backhand smacked his stomach, "ew, rin!"

"what are you saying ew for? you were the one doing it," he laughed.

you tsked and continued watching the movie before accidentally falling asleep.

"i understand why you like this movie," he said. you didn't reply, so he looked down, realising you were asleep. he really didn't want to wake you up, so instead he turned off the tv and slid his arms under your legs and back, lifting you up to carry you to bed.

"your limbs are too long, you're gonna hit a wall."

8:20 am

once again you woke up without rintarou next to you. this time, it was because he went to the gym. you had classes today, but you weren't too worried because they were scheduled for around 2pm.

after getting changed and brushing your teeth, you walked into the main area. "morning, 'hiro. why aren't you at school already?"

he swung his backpack over his shoulder, "dad said he had to go work early and i have to walk."

"your mom didn't take you?"

"mom went with dad," he said.

you squatted down to meet his face, "are you walking alone?"

"yeah," he tilted his head "why?"

you shook your head and told him to wait there while you grabbed rintarou's keys from his bedroom - you were lucky that he got picked up by a friend today.

"i'll drive you to school," you held his hand as you walked out to the car. he didn't question anything, he just agreed to it.

"do i walk you in or are you too big for that?

"can you walk me in please?" he stared at you with his cute little face.

"course i can," you smiled, getting out of the drivers seat and meeting him outside. you held his hand while you walked him to the gate, "have a good day at school!"

"thank you, y/n!"

"any time," you gave him a hug.

when you got back to the car, you felt your phone vibrating.

incoming audio call from
rin 💞

[accept] [deny]

"yes?" you answered.

"did you take my car?"

"yeah, i'll be back with it in a minute though," you told him.

"where'd you go?" he asked.

you sighed, "i was dropping kazuhiro off to school."

"did my dad make you?"

"no, no, he just left him at home and told him to walk. rin, his school is like kilometres from your house."

"my fucking father," he mumbled. "okay, i'll see you at the house, love you."

"bye, love you too."

"hi," you smiled, giving him a quick kiss.

"hey," he said. "thank you for taking 'hiro, sorry you had to do that."

"no, i loved doing it. getting the car seat into the car was the only real issue."

"how could that idiot tell a five-year-old to walk on his own?"

"take your anger out on practice, babe," you threw him the keys. "drive safe."

"i'll be back around four!"

author's note - unedited
you CANNOT get mad with what im about to do, OKAY? im so tempted to kill suna rn but i'm stopping myself for the sake of writing a sequel 🙄

+ ik this was a dry chapter, it was supposed to be completely different but i changed it last minute because it wouldn't make sense

[✓] 𝐒𝐇𝐄'𝐒 𝐒𝐎 𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐄 . suna rintarouWhere stories live. Discover now