17. sexy birth date

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narrator's pov.

you started another weekday with your alarm ringing very persistently and very loudly in your ear.

you heard groaning from your phone which was resting under your pillow. "i hate that sound," your boyfriend sighed.

"you don't have to stay on every time i fall asleep," you said, sleep lacing your voice.

"you don't have to stay on call every time you feel like falling asleep," he told you tiredly.

"ugh, you need to get up."

"no i don't," he whined. "you need to get up."

"don't you have to go on your run?"


you rubbed your eyes and stretched. "go on your run, idiot."

"shut up, you're the idiot."

"so mean to me... and on my-"


"awww, you remembered!!"

"of course i remembered, you have a sexy birth date."

you blinked. "a what..?"

"shut up, forget i said anything."

"again," you started, "super mean on my birthday."

"yeah, yeah. happy birthday, baby."

"thank you, now get up."

he groaned and you could hear his muffled words. "just... lalalala shhh, living my life."

"whatever, rin."

"any big plans for today besides birthday dinner?"

"seeing dee before school."

he pauses. "who's dee?"

"deez nuts HAHAHAHA!!"

apparently you're turning into a prepubescent 14 year old boy, not turning 17. "i swear you're about to get bofa" he says.

"what's that?" you ask.

"hm? what's what?"


"bofa deez nuts in your mouth!! oh shit, i'm so good" he laughs.

"it's only funny when i do it," you scoffed.

"keep telling yourself that, dumbass."

your second alarm rings. you both groan and you tell him "i need to get up, and you need to go on your run."

"yeah, yeah, you're right."

"bye bye, rin."

"bye, birthday girl."

message from rin <3
have the best birthday pretty girl
and check your bank acc lol

your first gift of the day, $500 flat into your bank. you didn't know how to accept it but you didn't have his bank to send it back, so you made a mental note to thank him for it next time you saw him.

you got up in the best mood you'd been in in maybe the whole month.

sitting on the end of your bed was your clean, folded uniform. you went to put on your school blouse, and the bottom button broke. "shit," you mumbled. at least it wasn't that noticeable and you could tuck it into your skirt, right?


you stepped into your skirt and fumbled around with the zipper until you could get it up. so far so good.

you go to button up the button on the waistband and just to your luck, the stitches break and it pops off. "that's alright, everything's alright. everything will be just fine," you told yourself.

you walked to the laundry basket in the shorts that you wear under your skirt in case it flies up, and you realised that yesterday's skirt is at the bottom of the basket and it has yesterday's lunch all over it from when makki's new girlfriend ran into you.

don't worry, it was an accident.

you hope.

the last option you have is a skirt that's too small for you, considering that your lower region wasn't as small as in your first year.

"fuck it," you thought. it's all you had. even though it felt like you were at the beginning of 'the kissing booth' movie, you would rather go with that than a skirt that could unzip itself at any second or a dirty skirt with a huge stain that would take a long time to get out.

you walked downstairs and the lights were off, which usually meant that no one was up yet. weird?

"mom? dad?"



"happy birthday, honey!" your mom and dad said in sync. you got scared and screamed, which caused your dad to laugh maniacally at you.

"chill, y/n," tooru smiled, giving you a hug which soon turned into a short-lived group one. this is one of the only times in the year in which your mom hugs you, so it felt weird, but you enjoyed it.

you thanked them and glanced over at your mom grabbing a box from the table to pass to you.

she actually seemed really excited to be giving it to you, while your dad just leaned against the wall smiling at you.

"open it," your mom grinned.

"okay, okay," you laughed and lifted the top of the box up. this revealed a necklace with your name engraved over it. "mom," you smiled and hugged her again, "thank you."

taking the necklace out of the box, you asked her to put it on you. while she moved to clasp it, you saw the back which read "for our baby, on her seventeenth." you swear you could have cried seeing that.

your mom wasn't the best most of the time, but every time you had a moment like this it gave you an ounce of hope that kept you going until the next.

that day at school, a few people here and there greeted you and said happy birthday.

most of them being tooru's friends of course.

even kyōtani had said happy birthday to you, and he was a dick. it was something weird about him hating your brother but you being bearable, followed by an awkward, "happy birthday... i guess."

you felt appreciated by people that weren't your boyfriend for the first time in a while. it felt nice.

author's note 💌
no, she's not pregnant 😭

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