
229 8 4

July 5, 2021
I'm uncertain since I didn't fully see him, though I saw a blue and black static last night. There were also some moments when I was doing a card reading and my head would start hurting like I was getting a headache. I feel like he doesn't like it when I get close to the truth or reach the actual truth itself.

How I saw him was that I was sneaking around to grab some water down stairs when everyone was asleep. On my way back, I saw the blue and black static in my parent's room. Next, I rushed to my room. Then I felt a presence touch me, so I asked who it was and found out it was Clockwork.

Then I turned off the lights in my room and went to bed though saw the blue and black static for a couple moments. I felt like my head hurt a lot and a little dizzy. The static left and I went to bed.

I'm honestly nervous rn because my parents wanted to go on a hike today. I've also been seeing a black shadow.

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