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I keep seeing angel numbers and signs/motifs. I've been seeing 1111, 333, and 1122. 1111 talks about things you've been trying to manifest coming soon. It is also a warning that you are manifesting what you are thinking and saying, so try to stay positive. 333 talks about staying true to yourself and speak honestly. Both of these numbers also talk about how your angels are on your side supporting you. 1122 has a similar meaning to 1111, but it also talks about love coming in and releasing things that no longer serves you. In terms of motifs/symbols, I keep seeing rainbows. Seeing rainbows all the time is a sign that your angels are with you and want to talk to you. It is also a sign of good luck and that good things are coming towards you. 

Next up with my experiences, today was a rough start. When I would try to get up, I would feel a rush of dizziness and I would fall back down. It even happened when I would move around. During my second attempt to get up, I felt this soreness on my neck as if I had been injected with a substance. That would explain my symptoms, though who did it and why? Either way, I eventually got up and checked the time. It was 7:30 am. During the process of trying to get up, it felt like I had been making an effort for at least thirty minutes to an hour. When it comes to my sleep clock, I am never awake before 7:30, though today I was. I hypothesize that someone woke me up after giving the injection. 

I searched up injections that cause dizziness and narrowed it down to a sedative. Some side effects of sedatives are:

Feeling of relaxation, reduced anxiety, lowered inhibitions, reduced intensity of physical sensations, lightheadedness, drowsiness, slurred speech, shallow breathing, slowed heart rate, muscle incoordination, reduced dexterity, impaired learning during period the sedative is active, interruptions in memory

A sedative would be more helpful if they wanted to make me weaker and less aware of what was happening to my body. The next questions are what did they do to my body and who was it. That said, I don't have enough evidence to answer those, so I'd like to hear some theories in the comments. 




Sorry for randomly updating chapters, I've been editing them. 

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