Q & A

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December 15, 2022
I feel like I was pretty dramatic during the last chapter. So, I thought it'd be a good idea to get my mind off these things and do a little introduction so that you all could get to know me better. I decided to make up some of my own questions but let's begin.

What are some beginner deities I can follow that are good to start with?
I didn't contact a deity when I started that deity work. I just noticed signs that a specific deity wanted to work with me and then reached out to them through tarot.

There are videos out there for if a deity is trying to get your attention. You may see animals that relate to them or get dreams from them or more. With what deities I'd recommend, the list would be pretty long and it would depend on what pantheon you want to work with.

I used to work with Norse deities, but the Greek pantheon is more well-known. I think deities corresponding with love and romance are pretty beginner friendly like Freya or Aphrodite. I would recommend those two from my own experience. It's good to work with love deities if you want to practice more self-love. 

What is my favorite season and what do I like to wear during that season?
To be honest, I don't have a favorite season. I just try to enjoy the one that I'm experiencing at that time. I think summer is the only one I don't like. It feels long and boring. Usually, I do travel with my family during that time, but it can get stressful and my family seems to attract bad luck. 

In the fall, I like to wear nice clothing so that I look good for school. During that season is when I look the best. In general, I like to wear soft girly clothing, earthy colors, or darker clothing. I used to wear black every day in high school, but I've started to wear more color and less intense makeup. I also like to wear crystals and jewelry. I really like accessories.

What are my hobbies?

My main hobbies are cooking, video games, drawing, and working out. I'm actually a really good cook and I like to learn about Japanese and other Asian food. I've looked at and made some Japanese food before. There are also many videos of Asian baking and they look so good, though I hate baking. Like I'm fine with following a box mix, but baking something from scratch really frustrates me. Especially if I'm doing it alone. 

I mainly play superhero video games. I recently finished playing Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, and Arkham Knight. I enjoy playing Arkham Knight the best because I like how much variety there is. There are many ways to take down enemies and Knight has the most gadgets. That said, it would be nice if I didn't have to buy the Dr. Freeze DLC to get the freeze blast. I liked to use it in City.

With drawing, I mostly draw faces. Sometimes I draw random things and I like a lot of detail. My faces have improved, but I don't know how to draw clothing and bodies that well. With working out, there are some weeks where I follow a plan, but I usually switch things up. Today I just did a bodyweight full-body routine and then went on a stationary bike. I also like to do weight lifting, dancing workouts, and martial art workouts. 

What type of witchcraft do I practice?

I mainly meditate, listen to affirmations, do some cooking magick, and practice divination. Cooking magick can be pretty complicated, but it's very useful. Different foods have different correspondences. I've memorized some correspondences for some foods. Like bread can be used for abundance, eggs symbolize new beginnings, and cinnamon corresponds to creativity and energy. 

Cooking magick is underrated. Maybe it's because there are many people who don't like to cook. I can't say the same about myself though. There are also other ways to add intention to the food you eat. Like stirring a soup clockwise to attract something or to make tea. With divination, I'm not offering online readings, but I am good at it. I like to use different divination methods. I have a couple of tarot decks too. 

Other things to know in general.

I am a female and I use she/her. I don't want to give out my name, but I've been thinking about what you all could call me on here. I think Elfie is a good nickname. It sounds pretty cute. On another note, I have been practicing witchcraft for almost four years, so if you need some help or guidance with it, I'm comfortable answering those questions. I consider myself an intermediate witch with a focus on divination and spirit work. Spirits ranging from demons, angels, spirit guides, ghosts, deities, and other creatures. I have experience with all of those.

I think I should end things here. You can request more questions and I could do another Q and A if you want. Bye folks. 

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