Kidnapping signs + Jeff

83 3 1

August 7, 2023

I had a dream of being kidnapped two nights ago. I was grabbed then thrown in a car by a middle aged white guy. He was really rude and at one point, he got on top of me. Before he could do anything, I woke up. Then last night, I thought I heard someone speaking to me while I slept. Like there was a voice that sounded like background noise.

For the past few days, I also keep encountering plot lines where characters get kidnapped. It may be a sign. At the moment, I'm reading one book and two tv shows and all of them involved a kidnapping. What are the odds of that?

The last thing is that someone was following me today. I noticed a small shadow following me when I turned a corner during a midday walk. Before I saw them, I also felt a pain in my chest. I don't have health issues yet it's happened a few times.

To top it off, Jeff was here last night. Luckily he wasn't that annoying, but he was still too touchy. Due to that, I had trouble sleeping and stayed awake too long. Oh well, I hope he leaves me alone. Bye folks.

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