Episode 13|E choke

202 51 44

|Dedicated to someone I'm just seeing now. Hi Tee funmitreasure |

"Good mo—" Terence halted.

"Alright big guy," Ivanna smiled as she slightly opened the white food flask and fanned the vapor towards him. Recently they began this game where Terence would have to use his sense of smell to guess their meal and stand a chance to win extra food.

He sniffed the air for a few seconds before shouting, "Akara and strawberry flavored custard!"

She closed the food and said, "Is that your final answer?" she squeezed her face, giving him the impression that failed.

He contemplated momentarily before saying confidently, "Yes!"

"Well," she sighed, "Are you sure that's your final answer? You know I don't want you to fail, especially when you get five extra of the item if you guess it right, so—"

"Abeg don't whine me jhoor," he scoffed, "My nose can never fail me jhoor. I know what I smelt."

She sighed heavily.

"You're correct!"

"Omo, I too much eh!" He rejoiced as he dashed towards the table. He sat down and opened the flasks to reveal the hot golden brown bean cake commonly known as akara in one flask and the thick pink custard in another. He blew her kiss and dug into the food.

Just then, Cherie, Hope and Henrietta arrived with the dishes and while the other two busied themselves with setting the table, Henrietta watched how Terence greedily swallowed ball after ball of akara.

She clapped her hand and laughed mockingly as she said, "Later they will say that they are not fat, that their potbelly is abs, but, you can never see them exercising, all they ever do is swallow food everyday like hippopotamus."

"Eh auntie," he started turning away from his meal to face her squarely, "instead of you to say that you want me to to notice you, eh, instead of you to say that you want to hear this my sweet voice this morning, you're there forming...you're forming commando," he raised his shoulder in mockery, "You think I don't know that you're using style to look for my attention?" he smiled, "Don't lie, shebi now you've heard the voice, you're happy, abi?"

Henrietta gagged, deflating his ego like a balloon.

"Please, it's too early in the morning for you two to be arguing," Ivanna cut in, "Allow us to eat first abeg," she said as she quickly grabbed Terence and Hope's hand to share a prayer.

"Father thank you for this meal," she prayed, "Thank you faithful God for you are indeed our shepherd as you said in your words. Now we pray you bless this meal as we eat in Jesus name, amen."

"Amen!" The others chorused.

Then they all served themselves and began their breakfast. As they ate 'the three musketeers' shared stories between themselves in whispered voices while for some strange reason, Henrietta and Terence began a contest between themselves for the fastest eater and the one who eats the most akara. Terence was a proficient swallower, he coated his akara balls in the custard before sending them down his throat with breakneck speed. Henrietta on the other hand used her ambidextrous gift to her advantage, with her left she scooped the custard and with her right she picked her akara. In the end, it was a tie with both of them eating twelve sizable balls of akara and dropping their spoon coincidentally at the same time.

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