Episode 28|Oranges.

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|Dedicated to the one awake by 5 am this morning 👀👀👀👀👀 feminists22 |


"Oh sweet weekend," Henrietta commented as she walked into the balcony with a tray of oranges. She pulled along a chair which she sat on as she began to peel her orange.

It was a warm Saturday evening and she was practically home alone. Hope and Cherie were out with Ivanna visiting her friend Mariam, the lady Ivanna stayed with during the early stages of her pregnancy. Eden was out with Terence and Phillip was sleeping in his room.

Speaking of Terence. She sighed dropping her knife and her orange.

"Terence," she muttered.

Truth be told, she was upset with him.

After the stunt he pulled with her during the week, she wouldn't lie her heart skipped a beat. She thought he meant something deep with everything he said, but, the following day, he acted like she imagined the whole thing.

"What am I saying?" She soliloquized. This is Terence, Terence!

"Every single thing to him is a joke! A joke!" She said slapping the back of her left hand on her right, "a big joke!"

"Ugh!" She threw her hand into her hair, "Why did I even fall for that? Why?" She groaned pinching the bridge of her nose.

She was upset with him but she was even more upset with herself.

"No I'm not even going to think about it," she said grabbing her orange and knife agin, "Nope. I'm not going to think about it."

She whistled as she began to peel her oranges. She wasn't going to let him ruin this fine day, absolutely not!

"Hey, what are you doing up here?" Asked Terence.

He was dressed in a round neck white long sleeved shirt, a black face cap worn backwards, black knicker and slides. A thin black neck lace with a cream locket graced his neck and he only wore three rings today; on his left pinkie and index, and his right index finger.

Speak of the devil, she scoffed. "What does it look like I'm doing?" She retorted as she dropped her first peeled orange from the basin of ten. She was a pro at peeling oranges; fast and effective.

"May I join you?"

"No—and he's bring a chair," she threw her hands up in frustration as he brought along a chair and sat on it, even after he heard her say no.

She watched him close his eyes, inhale and exhale deeply.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I thought you went out," she said dropping her knife and orange, "what are you doing here?"

"I don't know. What do human beings do in their houses? Live? Rest? Relax?" He folded his arms, "What do you think?"

She sighed, there was no use giving him attitude. It was already three days since the office incident. She should just let it go already.

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