CH-2 Our UA Journey Begins

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Kyoka's POV
Well here we go, time to see if those 10 months of training were worth it. I hadn't seen that green haired boy since that incident 10 months ago, but I was still holding out hope that I would run into him again. I still don't know why he is always on my mind but I've gotten used to it. I just want to see him at least once to say thank you for inspiring me to go on this path to become a hero. Who am I kidding who won't even know who I am, after all we never did get to talk.

As I headed towards the the main entrance of UA, as if my prayers had been answered, I saw that boy again. He had just tripped up and was caught by some girl who I think made him weightless. I wanted to just walk over and talk to him but I froze. Really, have I not overcome my fear. I hesitated again, but why, he's right there in front of me. I can finally talk to him. I'm just, I'm so... weak.

Time skip - A Few Weeks
The UA entrance exam was over and done and I had just received my results a few minutes ago. I was staring at it for what felt like forever, my thoughts consumed my mind. What if I don't get in, what if I failed, was this all just a big mistake. I didn't have the courage to go and talk to him when I saw after 10 long months. So would I have the courage to risk my life to save others like a hero. Do I even deserve a spot in the school.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when my mom walked into my room.
"Well, you gonna keep staring at it and hope it magically opens"
"Uhhh, well you see, I..."
"Don't worry Kyoka dear, I know you did amazing and even if you don't make it in I know you will find your path"

I took a deep breath and ripped open the letter only to see a face I hadn't seen in 10 months.
"Boom, I am here as a projector now"
All Might, what was he doing in this letter. It is from UA right does that mean he's a teacher there now. I wonder. His speech was short but there was only one thing I really cared about and was listening for and then it came.
"Young Jiro, you have made it. Welcome, to your hero academia"
I can't believe it, I actually made it in. I'm going to be a hero. A few tears escaped my eyes as I heard All Might say those words over and over again in my head. So my journey will begin. I wonder if he made it in, if he did then I can become friends with him. It seems as though everything is working out for me.

Time skip - To Start Of UA's First Year

Midoriya's POV
Well here I go, my first day at UA. I'm finally on my road to be a hero. I just hope that 'they' aren't in my class. I stepped through the door into class-1A, I was early which is unusual I'm not never early. There were only a few people here, a tall girl with raven coloured hair, a boy with white and red hair, a boy who kept posing in the corner and... him.

He started charging towards me with a really serious look on his face. I went to step backwards but he then stopped right in front of me.

"Hello I am Tenya Ilda, nice to meet you"
"Uhm, hi I....I'm Izuku Midoriya. N...nice t..t..o m...eet"

I finished up the conversation with Ilda and sat down at the side furthest from the door on the third seat back. I wasn't exactly eager to talk to anyone as I didn't know how they would treat me and I didn't want any fake friends again. Can I really go through this school without making any friends. No I can't, ok I will try to make at least one friend before I go home, it shouldn't be to difficult I don't think.

A few more people had arrived and taken their seats, I started to hear others starting to chat. Ilda was greeting everyone who entered, and everyone was just as confused as each other when he greeted them in a robotic style, I also think his fingers are stuck together. I haven't seen them separate since I arrived.

I started to panic, who should I try to talk to, everyone seemed to already have joined a friend group even though not everyone was here yet. Then someone else walked in. A girl with short purple hair and what looked like earphones connected to her ear lobes. But what stuck out to me the most was that she had the same look as I did when she entered. Then our eyes met...

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