CH-6 Is This A Date?

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Jiro's POV
It was Saturday morning, I woke up early for the weekend and rushed into the shower. I spent about an hour getting ready. Shower, getting dressed, hair and finally make up. I didn't know why I was making so much of a fuss about it at the time, I had never gone out with someone before so assumed it was normal.

I went downstairs and had breakfast with my parents with a smile never leaving my face.
"Kyoka, what's got you so happy today?" My Mother asked
"Huh... Oh it's nothing" I semi lied however a blush was appearing on my face which didn't go unnoticed.
"Oh is that so... Then why did you spend so much time on your outfit this morning."
"Uhhhh... I ummmm..." I knew it wasn't a date but I did spend longer than I should've.
"Is this about who you're going out with today". I started drinking my cup of coffee slowly without stopping so I didn't have to answer the question.

I managed to get my mother to stop asking questions for now, but I knew that as soon as I came back the questions wouldn't stop. I was in my room playing my guitar to get some practice in before I left. It isn't a date right. No of course not we're just friends hanging out at the mall. My thoughts got interrupted when I was called down for lunch. After I finished I started making sure I had everything I needed in my little bag.

It was now 1pm and I quickly left my house for the mall. It didn't take long for me to get there, about 13 minutes. Oh I'm a couple of minutes early, I should let Midoriya know that I'm here.

J: Hey I've just arrived outside the mall
M: Oh ok, I'll be there in a minute
J: Ok, I'm by the fountain
M: Alright I'll be right there

I sat down at the fountain and just started looking around seeing a bunch of happy couples hanging out. Why does my chest hurt when I see all of these couples. I wonder, could I have something like that with someone one day. As I thought of that Midoriya instantly popped into my mind. Why do I keep thinking about him, could I lo...

"Hey Jiro, sorry for making you wait" a smile grew onto my face as Midoriya approached. I stood up and walked towards him.
"Nah, I wasn't waiting for long. I had just sat down. Ready to go?"
"Yep lets go" he had a bright smile, I couldn't help but stare at it for a second before quickly turning around to hide my blush.

We walked side by side through the mall entering a few shops. We went into a music store as I wanted to look to see if there was anything new I could get for my instruments. Unfortunately there was nothing. We then went into a hero shop where Midoriya was freaking out about some new All Might merch. I couldn't help but let out a giggle as he started nerding out. He looks kinda cute when he gets like that... OMG WHAT IS GOING THROUGH MY HEAD TODAY. I couldn't be falling for him could I?

I pushed all of these thoughts to the back of my head for today as I just wanted to enjoy this time together with him. We were walking through the center of the mall, it was about 3pm. We were talking like we had never had any social anxiety, he was actually very funny when he wasn't nervous. He was cracking jokes in almost every conversation we had, I couldn't help but laugh. However it seems that my laugh caught someone's attention.

"OMG is that Jiro with Midoriya"
"Uhm... Didn't she say she was spending the day with her parents..."
"Wait don't let her enjoy this time, we can ask all the questions at school on Monday"
"Okay, okay but I have a lot of questions"
"Oh, me too, me too"

I couldn't hear the conversation at the time as I was too preoccupied with Midoriya. We went and got some ice cream from a nearby shop, I got mint choc chip and he got some chocolate. We sat on a nearby bench and enjoyed our ice cream together. After we had finished we continued our trip through the mall, we didn't go into many stores after the ice cream we just conversed, getting to know each-other better.

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