CH-34 Christmas Break

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Midoriya's POV
A week had passed since the joint training battle and the sharp pain in my head had occasionally shown up. It stopped me from using blackwhip or smokescreen whilst in effect, I had been training with Kacchan and Kyoka to try and figure out what activates it as well as how to use it. We believe that it is another quirk from One for All but no vestiges have come and spoken to me, however I can't use blackwhip and smokescreen at the same time so it was a reasonable assumption. I've been trying to focus so that I can use two quirks at once but that either ends up with one of the quirks not working or it goes out of control. Luckily Mr Aizawa knows about One for All now so he has been helping with training to stop me if my quirks go out of control. School was now on break for Christmas as it was right around the corner.

I had been going to sleep really late everyday because of training, Kyoka has been trying to insist that I take a break but I couldn't because I needed to be prepared for All for One. I woke up fairly early and it was Christmas Eve, I rolled out of bed after my alarm went off at 6am and looked at my bed only to notice that Kyoka wasn't there. I looked around the dorm and found her in Eri's room, I decided to let them be and get changed for training.
"Kyo, where did my gym clothes go? They were in here last night, I checked" I asked as she came out of Eri's room.
"Oh, I hid them" She admitted.
"Uhh, why?" I questioned.
"Because it's Christmas Eve and you're not training today, or tomorrow. Or the day after, spend time with us. Training isn't everything" She explained.
"But I need to get ready for him" I countered.
"Geez you're still so stubborn, NO" She said in a serious tone whilst glaring at me.
"You can be terrifying sometimes, you know that right?" I asked slightly concerned.
"Yes I do, and I won't stop until you agree to my terms" She insisted.
"Okay, you win" I reluctantly agreed.
"Don't I always" She said whilst walking away with a smile on her face.

After Kyoka left I got into some normal clothes, a pair of light brown trousers with a black jumper and my usual red shoes, before heading downstairs. I had breakfast with everyone and Eri had come downstairs too, it started to snow and we all ran outside to have some fun. Tsu stayed inside with Tokoyami as she was almost starting to hibernate from the cold, Dark Shadow was grabbing blankets whilst she cuddled with Tokoyami. We took Eri outside as we got her into some warmer clothes and played with her in the snow, Kyoka had put on a light brown coat with a purple scarf and I had put on a black scarf. We went out and Mina started a snowball fight to which Kacchan jumped on the opportunity and hit me in the face with a snowball powered by an explosion. I retaliated by using my quirk to launch snowballs back at him which started an all out brawl with a snowball fight, Eri managed to hit Kacchan a few times but he was banned from throwing a snowball at her as he doesn't hold back and she took advantage of this. Some people from class 1-B had joined us after seeing us, Monoma tried to turn it into a competition but Kendo just knocked him out causing him to face plant into the snow to which we all laughed at him.

After a couple of hours we all went back inside and class 1-B joined us for lunch, we ate and laughed for hours. We played games but me and Kyoka decided to take some time alone, we asked the class to look after Eri whilst we left the dorms hand in hand. We just walked around the park for about an hour talking about anything that came to mind, we took a stop at an opening and just stared into each other's eyes.
"I love you Kyoka" I said.
"I love you too Izuku. What brought this on so suddenly though?" She asked.
"I just want you to know, I don't get to tell you enough so I wanted to since we are alone" I explained.
"You tell me every time we go to sleep" She said.
"Exactly not enough" I replied.
"My god, you are too cute Green Bean" She said whilst she leant up to my face.
"Keeping up the weird nicknames huh. You are too cute" I said whilst leaning in closer. I suddenly wrapped my arms tighter around her waist and brought her up off of the ground causing her to yelp out of surprise. I closed the distance between our lips and kissed her. I let her down and we just stared at each other for a little while until we decided to head back to the dorms.

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