CH-9 The Vestiges

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Midoriya's POV
Jiro had tried to help me come up with a strategy during the break but to no avail. The only thing we came up with was sewing my mouth shut and that wasn't going to happen. I had walked onto the battlefield after Present Mic had called me up followed by Shinso. We stared at each other as we were waiting for the start of the match but before it started Shinso started speaking.
"So you can just give up, right?" Shinso said but I refused to respond
"In a sense this is a test to see how strong your will is. If you know what you want want your future to be then a strong will is needed". Is he trying to rile me up.
"That idiot with the tail gave up his chance to the finals for his pride. He had a weak will." This enraged me but I kept my composure and refused to fall into his trap. Present Mic then began the match but neither of us moved.
"Oh, I heard your little girlfriend was attacked by villains at the USJ, she was supposedly helpless. I guess she didn't have a strong enough will if she needed you to help save her. She was weak." I couldn't contain it anymore my anger surged and I lost control. I felt power starting to surge throughout my body as I started to charge towards Shinso.
"DON'T YOU TALK ABOUT HER THAT WAY, YOU HEAR ME". Suddenly I couldn't move. No, he tricked me. He knew what buttons he had to press to get me riled up. DAMN IT. What will I do now, I'm walking out of the ring I'm helpless. Nobody can help me to snap out of this, right? HUH!!!

I lost all hope and was about to accept defeat as he had caught me in his quirk. My foot was inches off of the ground when I felt a hand on my chest. Without my or Shinso's command I stopped. A man with white hair dangling over most of his face and plain clothing stood before me with his hand on my chest. I was stunned, who is he? Why is he here interfering with the match? And how did he stop me from moving with a single touch?

It felt like forever we were just standing there without moving, my thoughts were no longer clouded, everything started to become clear and then he spoke.
"So... You're the ninth... I had hoped to wait a little longer but the singularity is growing... You're only at 10% right now but be prepared you'll reach the point soon..." I looked behind this man to see 7 other blurry figures watching me.
"You are unable to control the power yet so I'll help you... Let the power flow through you continuously at your current percentage... My power is weakening and my time is almost up now go and be ready..."

His hand that was on my chest pushed me back in to the ring as my power started flowing throughout my entire body. I caught myself from falling over and gasped for air as my hands rested on my knees. It was as though I couldn't breathe for what felt like forever. Power is surging through my body, without any pain. I can control it, thank you whoever you are. Now. One For All Full Cowling 10%. I charged at Shinso as he stared at me in shock and started pushing him towards the edge of the ring. Once we were close he punched me in the face and got around me. He shoved with all his might to get me out of the ring. No, I won't lose. Not now. It's over Shinso. I planted my feet firmly on the ground and grabbed his arm, I then launched him over my shoulder, similar to what I did to Kaachan, and he was out of bounds. I had won the first match.

I walked up to the stands to see the next matches but Jiro was waiting for me outside of them.
"Hey Midoriya, nice job in your match"
"Thanks Jiro, I also managed to control my power"
"So can I ask you something". Oh no, has she caught on to One For All.
"Huh, yeah sure"
"How did you break out of his mind control? It looked like someone pushed you but nobody was there. And since you mentioned it how did you figure out how to control your power so suddenly?". Oh no, what do I say? I can't say that a man appeared and pushed me. Uhm... Quick come up with something but sound confident so she doesn't know you're lying.
"O-Oh... U-Uhm... W-Well I... Y-You s-see... Y-Yeah... It's a long story". Jiro stared at me with confusion. Wow, great job Izuku she'll definitely believe that. She started giggling at me as I stuttered. I've always loved it when she giggled like that, she looks so cute when she does that. I was snapped out of my thoughts when she ran up to me smiling brightly and dragged me back to the stands with her.

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