CH-43 Our Second Year

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Midoriya's POV
I woke up in my bed and turned to face Kyoka but she wasn't there, I got confused so stood up and found her with Eri in our personal living room. I waved with my left hand as I got there attention as my right arm was still in a cast, they waved back as I sat down next to them.
"Deku. Is your arm okay?" Eri asked.
"Yeah it'll be fine Eri" I lied, I didn't want to worry her.
"He'll recover but it'll take some time" Kyoka said whilst patting Eri's back.
"Could I help you recover? I helped LeMillion so I could help you" Eri suggested.
"That could work but I don't want you to get exhausted from using your quirk" I said.
"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Besides it means that I can get more sleep" Eri joked.
"Only if your sure" Kyoka said. Eri stood in front of me with her hands placed onto the cast, she closed her eyes as her horn started to glow. I started to get this warm feeling in my arm as it began to feel lighter, Eri stopped as she almost collapsed but luckily Kyoka was able to catch her.
"You should take her to bed" I suggested, Kyoka nodded and carried Eri to her room. Once Kyoka came back we decided to go see Recovery Girl to see if Eri had healed my arm.

Kyoka helped me get changed and we went downstairs, however as we came down something unexpected happened once Kaminari saw us coming.
"EVERYONE MAKE WAY, MAKE WAY. ALL MIGHT'S SUCCESSOR IS COMING THROUGH" Kaminari announced whilst pushing people to the side to allow me and Kyoka to get through even though there wasn't actually anyone in our way.
"Really Kaminari?" I questioned.
"Yep. You're basically a celebrity now so you need protection from all of your fans" He said with an obnoxiously large grin.
"We're in school, what fans are going to be here who will actually do something to which I need protection?" I asked.
"Well Bakubro might be angry that your All Might's successor and he might try something" He whispered to me.
"Kacchan has known for ages" I said.
"How come you told him and not any of us?" He pouted.
"I didn't. He figured it out and accepted it" I explained.
"What so I'm the dumb one for not figuring it out?" Kaminari jokingly questioned.
"Yes" Kyoka said causing all of our classmates to laugh.
"Tell you what, if some crazy fans jump me and try to forcibly take my autograph I'll call you" I joked.
"Good" He replied not knowing that I was joking. I sighed and continued to make my way to see Recovery Girl with Kyoka.

Once we arrived at the teachers dorm Mr Aizawa was confused as to why we were there, he rolled his wheelchair over to us before speaking.
"What are you two doing here?" He asked.
"I need to see Recovery Girl" I said.
"How come?"
"Well, Eri wanted to use her quirk on my arm to help it heal so we want to see if it worked" I explained.
"She didn't overdo it did she?" He questioned worryingly.
"She passed out but she's fine" Kyoka explained.
"Right, she's in her room up there" Mr Aizawa said whilst pointing up the stairs. We walked up the stairs and entered Recovery Girls room, we explained what happened and she checked out my arm.
"Well kid, it looks like she just saved your arm" Recovery Girl said.
"So, he's fine then?" Kyoka asked.
"Not exactly, you won't have to amputate your arm but it still has some serious damage. If you break it again I wouldn't be surprised if it just fell off, Eri could rewind it further but it will take too much out of her so I wouldn't count on it" She explained.
"Thanks Recovery Girl, so can the cast stay off now?" I asked.
"Yep, just let it recover. That means no training until the second year starts" Recovery Girl insisted.
"Ugh, fine" I reluctantly replied. We headed back to the dorms to spend the day with our classmates.

Once we got back to the dorms we spent the day downstairs with our classmates and Eri, Kacchan and Sato were making us a big feast as we were all back together.
"So Midobro, why is your cast off of your arm?" Sero asked.
"My arm has been healed, it still needs to recover but it no longer needs to be amputated" I explained.
"Really? How come?" Todoroki asked confused.
"It's all thanks to Eri that the Green Bean can keep his arm, if he doesn't break it again that is" Kyoka said.
"Come on, I won't break it again" I pouted.
"Really, you don't have the best track record of not breaking your bones" Mina stated.
"Well I won't break it again starting from now, I kind of want to keep me arm so I won't break it again" I promised.

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