CH-10 Internships

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Jiro's POV
Nothing eventful occurred over the time we spent recuperating after the sports festival, I spent most of the timing practicing my instruments, texting Midoriya or texting the girls. But it wasn't long before we were back in school.

Once I got to school I was dragged over to the group of girls and chatted about things we did over the break and other random things. I tried to pull myself away and eventually left to sit by Midoriya and chatted with him until Mr Aizawa arrived.
"Alright class today we will go over all of those who got offers at the sports festival. Normally it's more spread out than this but this year seems to be an exception" Mr Aizawa stated
"Todoroki got more than Bakugo, it's the opposite of how they placed in the festival" Sero pointed out
"Hey Midoriya, looks like you got one offer" I said
"Well I guess I don't have much decision making ahead of me" he responded
"I wonder who it is from though?" I wondered
"Who knows"
"But before we get onto that you need to pick your hero names" Mr Aizawa turned off the projector as Midnight entered the classroom
"And that's why I'm here, I'll have final approval over your names". With that said everyone started to showcase their names. At the start their were some weird ones but they all started to get more normal. Then it was my turn.
"The Hearing Hero, I'm Earphone Jack". Everyone seemed to like my name, I was extremely nervous showcasing my name to everyone but Midoriya had given me a reassuring smile before hand and it all worked out.

Most people had shown their names now and all that was left was Ilda, Midoriya and Bakugo. Whilst Ilda was getting up to show his name I looked over at Midoriya to see he hadn't written anything down.
"Hey, have you not got an idea for your name yet?" I asked
"No not really, I don't know what name would best symbolise who I want to be"
"Well why don't you chose a name and give it the meaning of what you want to represent through your actions"
"Good idea". Midoriya then got up to show his name and it read 'Deku'. Everyone started to question why he wanted that to be his name, he said it was because he wanted to give it a new meaning through his actions. He gave me a quick smile before sitting back down. And Bakugo kept coming up with ridiculous names. Once that was over Mr Aizawa handed out sheets to the people who got offers, those of us who didn't got a sheet with 40 different hero agencies we had to chose from.
"So Midoriya, who gave you that offer?" I asked, but when I looked over at him he was staring at the sheet with tears starting to form in his eyes.
"Dude, you okay?" I asked before looking at his sheet.
"Holy Crap, you got an offer from Mirko!" I shouted. Everyone in the class, except from Bakugo who just sat there irritated, looked over confused.
"What, I thought Miruko didn't accept sidekicks let alone internships" Kirishima said
"Dude look" I grabbed Midoriya's sheet and handed it to the rest of the class to have a look.
"WHAT THAT'S NOT FAIR" Kaminari screamed. "How come you got only one offer and it's from someone in the top 10?" He questioned.
"I don't know, I'm just as confused as you are" Midoriya said finally snapping out of his trance. You're one lucky idiot aren't you Izuku.

We packed our stuff up as most off the class had left as was about to head out only to realise Ilda had left without us. We assumed he had decided on his pick and handed it in before us. Me and Midoriya then went to hand ours in, I had chosen Death Arms and Midoriya obviously chose Mirko. We then headed out the school and went to the station to go home.

Time skip - Next day
I woke up early and got ready for the day, we weren't going to school today but were heading off to the train station to go off for our internships. I arrived pretty early and very few people were actually there so I went and spoke with Yaomomo until everyone else arrived.
"Hey Midoriya, how ya doing?" I asked once he had arrived
"I'm doing pretty good, how about you?" He responded
"Not too bad" I then looked behind Midoriya to see Ilda had entered with a glum expression on his face. "But I'm worried about Ilda" Midoriya had turned around to see Ilda, he hadn't come over to talk to us like he normally does which got us both worried. Before we could go and talk to him Aizawa came over to the front of us all and told us about what was going to happen with our internships which will last a week.

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