CH-40 No Holding Back

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Midoriya's POV
Shigaraki had just called me little brother, I was confused as to what we was saying as was everyone else then it clicked. He called me little brother? Has All for One taken over his body? One for All is his little brother's quirk so that would make sense. If he taken over though then this could be bad, All for One has more experience in fighting than Shigaraki so will be more troublesome to fight. I shook my head to get the thoughts out of my head, thinking about that wouldn't do anything to help us win. Endeavour launched his Hell Spider attack but Shigaraki dodged easily.
"This is my power... My body... So keep it to yourself... THIS IS MY WILL" Shigaraki said to himself as though he was talking to someone inside his head. Gran Torino charged at him and knocked him back, he was preparing a punch whilst Endeavour approached from the back. Shigaraki noticed me behind them so jumped past them to get to me, he was focused on stealing my quirk so much that he didn't realise what was around him. Kacchan was high above him with his gauntlet pointed straight down at Shigaraki.
"HE'S JUST THE BAIT" Kacchan yelled as he pulled his pin releasing a powerful explosion down at Shigaraki, he flinched from the attack and Endeavour used this to try and finish him off. His fist connected with his stomach as he released fire power on par with Prominence Burn directly from his fist.
"VANISHING FIST!!!" He screamed.

Jiro's POV
Things were calm in the forest area we were in, we were the back lines so didn't expect anything to happen very soon but I was cautious and kept my jacks in the ground the entire time so I could tell the moment something happens. Kaminari, Honenuki and Komori had just come back from the front lines of their battle field when I heard something, it shocked me so much that my jacks instantly recoiled from the ground.
"AHHHHH" I screamed as I heard it.
"What's up Jiro Jack?" Kaminari asked as he arrived.
"THIS IS BAD, SOMETHING INCREDIBLY HUGE IS COMING" I announced causing everyone to get nervous.
"WE'RE GOING ONTO THE FRONT, YOU GUYS STAY HERE" The pros insisted. I explained to everyone what was going on, a massive beast was charging towards us and Mt Lady was unable to stop it but was slowing it down.

We waited to hear from the pros when a voice came over the comms.
"Creati, are you there?" Midnight asked.
"Yes" Yaomomo answered.
"Do you understand the situation?" She asked hastily.
"Yes, thanks to Jiro and Shoji" She replied.
"We can't stop him with force so we have to put him to sleep" Midnight told us.
"WHAT?!" Yaomomo questioned.
"I know it's against the law but you need to put it to sleep with an anaesthetic" Midnight explained.
"What are you saying Midnight?" Yaomomo frantically asked.
"If it's too difficult hand the anaesthetic to the heroes and get out of there. I trust your judgement" Midnight finished.
"MS MIDNIGHT!!" Yaomomo screamed but no response was received from the other end. Yaomomo was frantically trying to think, she was sweating profusely with her head in her hands. I walked up to her and put my hand on her shoulder tor assure her.
"You've got this Yaomomo" I said with a bright smile to which she calmed down and nodded.
"Earphone Jack, Tentacole give me his ETA and path of travel as well as an estimated height of the beast" She commanded. I quickly put my jacks into the ground and started listening.
"HE'LL BE IN HERE IN ABOUT 10 SECONDS- WAIT HE'S SLOWED DOWN BUT ONLY A LITTLE BIT" I told them. Mt Lady had clinged back onto him slowing him down for us.
"We will never show our backs to the enemy" Yaomomo said.
"Yeah that's right" Kirishima responded.
"I'm going to fight" Yaomomo stated.
"Costumes, check. On the scene, check. That means we're heroes" Kaminari enthusiastically stated.
"THIS IS OUR DOMAIN" Yaomomo shouted.

Yaomomo had explained the full plan of what we were going to try out and we started implementing it immediately, my only job was to listen out for the beast but it was still important.
"LISTEN UP, THERE ARE BLUE FLAMES COMING FROM THE BEASTS BACK. IT'S POSSIBLE THE LEAGUE OF VILLAINS IS UP THERE" Yaomomo stated so we would all be prepared for a potential fight with the league if we stop that thing. She handed a vial of anaesthetic to everyone and told us that we only need to get one of them into his mouth to stop him. Shinso was asking if Midnight would be alright, she was the one who helped him adjust to the hero course outside of class as well as catch up on hero studies that he ended up missing. Mina reasssured him that she would be fine but I could tell by her voice that she wasn't so sure herself and was trying to convince herself as much as she was him. Mina and Midnight were quite close, she would occasionally invite Midnight over to out dorms to hang out and they both loved talking about all of the new gossip going around the school. The beast was then right in front of us but stopped suddenly thanks to our plan. Honenuki had softened up the ground in front of us so that it would sink into the ground immobilising it for us to put it to sleep.
"HE'S IN POSITION" I yelled signalling to everyone to move in. They all charged in from the ground and the trees surrounding the beast, the League of Villains was on top of it but had fallen over from the sudden drop giving us the edge in this battle. Shiozaki wrapped all of her vines around it and those with strength quirks pulled on ropes stuck to its jaw and pulled so it would open its mouth so that we could throw the vial into its mouth.

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