CH-49 The Long Awaited Rematches

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Midoriya's POV
After getting my shoulder checked I head back to the observation deck to watch the rest of the next match, as I arrived I saw Uraraka encased in ice from Todoroki's attack. I missed the fight but knew that Todoroki had won, this meant that he would be my opponent in the semi final round after Kirishima against Kacchan. This would be our rematch from the last sports festival, I chose not to watch Kacchan's fight with Kirishima so that I could come up with a strategy. I was incredibly powerful but Yaoyorozu showed me that if I'm not careful I can be beaten using strategy and I wasn't going to let Todoroki beat me.

I heard an announcement from the waiting room I was in saying that Kacchan had beaten Kirishima, it took longer than I expected it to but didn't complain as it gave me enough time to come up with a plan. I went down to the battlefield and faced off against Todoroki as our match began. As expected Todoroki sent a giant ice wave at me intending to freeze me in place but I kicked it away with 75% of my power, it wasn't enough to destroy the entire thing but created an opening in the ice for me to stay in. Once the ice stopped I kicked through the ice with only two kicks appearing in front of Todoroki.
"Should've known that wouldn't stop you" Todoroki said whilst smiling.
"You know I never give up" I replied returning the grin.

I activated my quirk at 80% and prepared to attack, I didn't have to worry about hurting him as I knew that he would be able to counterattack easily. I leapt at him bringing my leg back to kick him but he created a pillar of ice that slowed down my kick from hitting him so he could use FlashFire in his left foot to get away before I could kick him. He blasted a wave of flames at me but I kicked the air sending them upwards, this blocked our vision of each other so I created a smokescreen in this moment so he couldn't tell where I was when it was created. After the flames fully dispersed the smoke covered almost the entire battlefield, he frantically looked around in the smoke for me but couldn't see anything. He was preparing his fire so I could see where he was but he wasn't attacking so I couldn't use danger sense. Todoroki decided to create a curtain of flames around him in every direction to hit me, this also dispersed the smoke. I jumped above the flame attack and charged at Todoroki as I landed, he noticed me so created a wave of ice to trap me but I punched right through it and continued towards him.

As I approached Todoroki he stored power into his left fist and fired a concentrated beam of fire directly at me, danger sense kicked in and I kicked the air to my right propelling me to his right. He created a wall of ice simultaneously to protect his right side so I kicked in front of me to back up. We were now on exact opposite sides of the battlefield and we both knew what was coming, Todoroki was exhausted from continuously using both sides but I was doing fine. He was planning on ending the match with one final attack, the same attack as last time.

Todoroki started producing intense flames from his left side whilst producing ice from his right, I activated my power at 80% along with several blackwhips in preparation to dodge the attack and finish this. He blasted a giant wave of ice that was even bigger than the last time at me, I leapt into the air and used danger sense to dodge whilst using blackwhip to grab onto the ice and swing around the ice. He raised his left arm blasting flames towards me.
"FLASHFREEZE HEATWAVE!!!!!" Todoroki announced as the flames covered the entire battlefield and seemed impossible for anyone to dodge. I activated Fa Jin in my left leg and kicked the air beneath me with 80% of my power, the total force of these two combined sent me flying into the air high above the entire stadium dodging the attack and the explosion that it created. I used float to stay high above the stadium until Todoroki's attack finished, everyone stared up into the sky to see me slowly falling. I controlled float so that it would let me down to the ground slowly but only till a certain height when I stopped. I created a smokescreen that blocked out the entire sky but also disguising myself, I kicked the air with my right leg at 80% along with Fa Jin to send myself down towards the ground as I approached Todoroki from above. I started spinning with front flips as I approached Todoroki's head from above at a speed faster than the human eye can see.
"ONE FOR ALL 80%, FA JIN... TOKYO SMASH!!!!" I yelled as I axe kicked Todoroki's head with my right foot sending him into the ground, the entire battlefield shattered as his head was buried into the ground.

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