CH-55 Family

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Jiro's POV - Time Skip Four Years
Me and Izuku have been married for four years now, I kept my surname as Jiro so that nobody would know of course but when we were together I was Kyoka Midoriya. In the past four years Izuku became the number one hero at the age of twenty, a few months after we got married, and all of the members of class 1-A and 1-B were now pro heroes with their own agency. I was ranked at 24 in the last ranking thanks to my popularity from all of my music that had been produced, I have made 2 albums so far and have done a few concerts but music wasn't my main focus because I was a hero before anything else but I was happy that I was able to make my music passion a part of my life. Midnight and Mr Aizawa had their first biological daughter almost two years ago called Mahi with Eri being their adopted kid, Todoroki and Yaomomo also had a kid almost a year ago and it was a boy they named Nenshi. Yaomomo was also pregnant again but only recently which made me wonder if they are planning it or just having a lot of sex.

I woke up early in the morning with an odd feeling in my stomach, Izuku was fast asleep so I carefully got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I went over to the toilet and was about to sit down but I suddenly felt like I was about to be sick so leant my head over the toilet and puked in it. Fuck, why am I sick all of a sudden? I don't feel ill, I guess I should take some medicine just incase. I stood up and opened our medicine cabinet to grab something to get rid of this feeling, I took it with a glass of water but stayed in the bathroom incase I was sick again before the medicine kicked in fully. I ended up staying in the bathroom for hours as whenever I got up to go back to bed I was sick, I tried to stay quiet so that I wouldn't wake Izuku up but eventually he heard.
"Kyo, you okay?" He asked whilst rubbing his eyes as he entered the bathroom.
"No idea" I replied right before puking into the toilet again.
"Are you sick?" He asked as he crouched down by my side placing his hand on my forehead.
"Nope, I don't feel sick" I replied as I wiped my mouth with toilet paper and throwing it into the toilet before flushing it for the thousandth time this morning.
"You sure about that? You don't seem to have a fever but are being sick. Maybe go to the hospital and get checked out" He suggested.
"I'll do that once I can stand without throwing up" I said as I felt more puke coming.
"Want me to stay home today? To make sure you are okay" He offered.
"No... Just go to work, you are the number one hero after all" I said.
"I'll just not go on patrol and have my assistant call if there is something that needs my attention" He said.
"Ugh fine, stay... Get me some food, I think I spat out everything I ate in the last week this morning" I insisted.
"Okay, I'll bring you up some snacks and start making you a meal then I'll take you to the hospital" He said.
"You can't take me dumbass, they don't know about us. I'll call Mina and ask her to take me, in that time whilst I'm there you can go on a patrol" I said trying to hold back my breakfast from yesterday.

After a few minutes Izuku came back with some biscuits and I snatched them off of him and started eating them four at a time. He told me that he called Mina and she is on her way to pick me up for the hospital whenever I'm ready and that there is food cooking which will be ready after Mina arrives. Since he didn't really need to be here anymore I insisted that he leaves to go be a hero and after five minutes I managed to push him out of the bathroom convincing him to leave. I kept occasionally throwing up for the next ten minutes waiting for Mina to arrive and save me from this hell that is myself.

Mina arrived pretty quickly and ran upstairs to see me sitting on the floor of the bathroom with three empty biscuit packets and puke in the toilet.
"Mina, thank god you're here. Help" I said as I leaned on the rim of the toilet.
"Damn, what happened?" She asked.
"Over 8 hours of puking into this toilet here" I explained.
"Are you sick?" She asked.
"I don't think so, I'm gonna go to the hospital but need you to drive me" I answered.
"Girl tell me something. When was the last time you and Midori had unprotected sex?" She asked.
"Really, I thought you stopped with things like this but I'll humour you. Three days ago" I answered.
"Girl, I think you're just pregnant" She said causing me to just stare at her.
"No... I was on the pill. It's impossible" I said trying to convince myself but couldn't think of any other options. "Fuck, I'm pregnant" I said as I realised that Mina was right.
"Do you have a pregnancy test here that you can use?" She asked.
"Uhhh... Bottom draw maybe" I said whilst pointing to a cabinet. She pulled out a pregnancy test and took it hoping that I wasn't pregnant, it wasn't that I didn't want kids but I just wasn't ready.

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