CH-46 Tragedy

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Jiro's POV
I woke up to the sound of Izuku's alarm but he wasn't waking up, I turned off the alarm and sat up before staring at Izuku. You're cute when you're sleeping, but I'm gonna wake you up now. Sorry. I stuck my jack into his side and blasted him with sound waves, he sprung awake and stared me dead in the eyes. He didn't say anything as his look said all he needed to say, he didn't want to be woken up by my jacks. I just smiled at him teasingly as I knew what he was saying with his eyes and because I actually enjoyed it slightly, we got up to get changed into our school uniform and went downstairs to grab some food before heading to class.

The morning in the dorms was fairly normal with the only difference being that Ojiro and Toru were sitting close together as they were now dating, we headed off to class together and waited for Mr Aizawa. I was sitting on Izuku's desk whilst he sat on his chair so we could talk, once the door opened I rushed to my seat which was right next to Izuku's so that Mr Aizawa wouldn't get mad for me not being in my seat. Mr Aizawa rolled his way to the front of the class before speaking.
"Alright, before we start your normal lessons for the day I have an announcement. As you may have assumed the sports festival is fast approaching and you will need to be prepared, it will take place exactly one week from today so make sure to train plenty" Mr Aizawa announced.
"Alright, can't wait to show my stuff again" Kirishima said whilst raising his fist in the air.
"I hope I can make it the finals this time, Ribbit" Tsu said.
"Lets hope we get our rematch Midoriya" Shinso said.
"I hope we do too" Izuku replied. The conversation of the class continued with everyone talking about who they think would reach the finals and who would win but Mr Aizawa interrupted us.
"Settle down, you should be training outside of class to get ready for the festival. Your normal lessons will now resume" Mr Aizawa stated whilst wheeling his way out of the room only for Present Mic to enter whilst screaming hurting my ears slightly.

We had normal core lessons until lunch and then we had hero training, we were in the training room to work on our ultimate moves. I was working on my moves with my boot speakers to allow for easier movement as well as how to better use them in battle, Izuku was working on his Fa Jin by running around and then releasing his stored up power. It was the quirk of the third user of One for All, he had now unlocked all of the quirks of One for All except for the second users quirk, apparently he doesn't accept Izuku as the ninth holder of One for All so is testing him by having him master all of the other quirks and being able to use One for All at 100% before he will give Izuku his quirk. After our training was over I was exhausted as I pushed myself to work harder than ever before in preparation of the sports festival, I went with the girls back to the changing rooms to get into our school clothes before heading back to the dorms.

Once I got back to the dorms with the rest of the class I got changed into some comfortable clothes and sat down by the TV, most people were taking this day to relax and were going to start training tomorrow except for Izuku, Bakugo, Todoroki, Kirishima and Shinso. They stayed at the training ground to continue their training whilst the rest of us stayed in the dorms, I was planning on getting some extra training done later today but wanted to relax for now. All Might entered our dorms and walked up to those of us by the TV.
"Young Jiro, may I speak to you?" All Might requested.
"Sure" I said. I got up and followed him outside of the dorms.
"Do you mind if we walk and talk? I need to grab a few things from the store not too far from here and this talk may go on for awhile" He asked.
"I don't mind, I just ran out of my biscuits since Izu ate them so I need to buy more anyway" I replied.
"Alright then, lets go" He said.

We walked for about 20 minutes as we just talked about random stuff, I could tell he was trying to find the right way to say whatever he wanted to so let him divert until he was ready. We walked through the store and I grabbed two packets of digestive biscuits whilst All Might grabbed what he needed, he insisted that he should pay since he asked me to come and I didn't argue because I never say no to free biscuits. We left the store and made our way through the city as All Might finally brought up what he needed to say.
"So everyone knows that you are dating young Midoriya now, is that right?" All Might asked.
"Well, Izuku hasn't out right said it on TV but people are starting to assume" I explained.
"Right... Since the secret of One for All is now out there will be people who want to steal it or force him to transfer it to them" He said.
"Yeah I assumed that would happen but they wouldn't be able to beat him to the point he gives up the quirk so it's fine, besides what does this have to do with me?" I asked.
"You see, it is entirely possible that people may target those closest to him to blackmail him into giving them the power. You may be one they target" He explained.
"But the quirk will kill them, it drains their life away if they have a quirk and the quirkless wouldn't stand a chance against Izuku" I reasoned.
"They still may want it, the quirk won't kill them right away and they may have a few years to reek havoc with the quirk. I just want you to be careful, it may end up being that you have to end your relationship so you can protect yourself and young Midoriya" He said.
"I'm not ending our relationship, I can protect myself and Izuku can protect himself. If I can't protect myself then Izuku can easily protect me" I shouted angrily.
"I understand where you are coming from young Jiro but it is only a possibility. I felt that I had to warn you, I knew you would react like this since you love him but you should prepare for the possibility" He stated.
"Right, I underst-" I was interrupted when I felt a sudden pain on the back of my head, I fell forward and everything started to go black. I managed to look to my side and see something before completely blacking out, All Might was trying to fight back but they stabbed him in the stomach causing him to fall as well.

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