CH-51 The Dragon

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Midoriya's POV - Time Skip Four Months
Four months had passed since I saw my father, my mind was still consumed by the thoughts of what he was hiding. I could've found out but he wanted Kyoka to leave and my danger sense wasn't happy. I had a chat with Shinomori, the fourth, about what a small sense of danger meant and he had no idea, apparently that had never happened with him before so he couldn't give me any information on it. I decided to ignore it and focus on my training of One for All to get better control over the quirks. Mirko had been working me to the bone with my work study and we didn't ever encounter anyone impressive enough to be a challenge for either of us. I am now able to use 90% of my power with relative ease, I can push myself to 100% with little or no injury depending on how long I use it for. I've never needed to use even 60% of my power whilst out with Mirko, the only time I use my full power is when Kacchan insists during training resulting in him getting knocked out every time. Eri had been going to a proper school for awhile now and was getting better at her reading and writing abilities. Kyoka had taught her more music and she was learning very quickly, she tried teaching me some music but I was no good at it.

I was at my work study with Mirko on a Tuesday when we encountered something that actually challenged us. We were leaping across rooftops in the middle of the afternoon when an explosion occurred in the distance, we quickly rushed over there to rescue everyone and stop whatever villain did this. As we arrived on the scene we saw about a dozen villains on the street with guns and swords waiting as though they were expecting a fight. We landed right in the middle of them and started to beat them up, I was using only 30% of my power so that I wouldn't accidentally damage the road or the path. Nobody was hurt in the explosion but from my quick observation this wasn't caused my a bomb but from overheating a car engine. None of the villains I attacked had a quirk that could create heat of flames, I knocked them all out with Mirko's help. I tied them all up with blackwhip whilst waiting for the police to arrive and decided to ask them some questions.
"Tell me, how did you blow up this car? None of you have a quirk that can do this. Also why did you wait instead of running? You didn't injure anyone but waited for heroes to arrive. You were waiting for us" I asked as I analysed.
"Why would we tell you anything?" One of the thugs asked.
"So I don't use 100% of my power to send you into the sun" I threatened. I wouldn't actually do it but wanted to scare them, they all gulped out of fear and started shaking.
"H-He calls himself the Dragon" One of them answered.
"Yeah, he asked us to cause a ruckus to draw you out. He wanted us to capture you alive" Another added.
"So he wants your quirk kiddo" Mirko deduced.
"Looks like it, but you didn't say how you blew up the car" I said angrily.
"T-The Dragon... He blew it up with his quirk, then he left so he wouldn't get caught up in this fight" They explained. The police then arrived and took them into their custody, I leapt away with Mirko as we tried to find this so called dragon.

I decided to stay working with Mirko overnight and the next day so we could get some information on this 'Dragon' person, the police contacted us a little later to give us the information from their interrogation but didn't get a true identity. He always wears a dragon like mask with an opening at his mouth where he breathes fire from, the mask was mainly white with red and black marks on it giving it a greater resemblance to a dragon. There was no sign of him for the rest of the day but then the night came. We decided to take a short break on a rooftop so we could still see the entire city whilst having a snack, then suddenly a fire erupted in the distance.
"That must be this 'Dragon'. I'll rush over there and you catch up" I said.
"Sure go on ahe-" Mirko was interrupted when another fire erupted in the opposite direction.
"Split up, I'll head to the first one" I said as I leapt off with 90% of my power.

I arrived at the burning building within a few seconds of leaving and quickly got everyone out of the building, luckily the fire trucks arrived right after I got everyone out so the fire didn't do too much damage. I looked around the area quickly and didn't see anyone with a dragon mask so assumed that the other fire was where he was. I jumped up onto the roof of a nearby building before activating my power at 90% and rushing over to Mirko. Once I arrived she was evacuating the last of the civilians from the burning building and I explained what happened at my end, we then searched the area but couldn't find anything useful. We leapt off once again saving people from several fires that were set throughout the night.

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