CH-39 The War Has Begun

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Midoriya's POV - Two Days Before The Raid
Our entire class was given a break from our work studies for the next two days, we all sat down in a circle around our table on the chairs we moved and chatted.
"So, why do you think they gave us the next two days off?" Shoji asked.
"Maybe they think we need a rest, or the school requested it" Yaoyorozu suggested.
"But why would they want us to take a break?" Sero asked.
"Maybe something is happening and they want us to be prepared for it" Mina said.
"Midobro, do you think it's that thing you told us about?" Kirishima asked.
"Yeah, it is" I said. Mirko had told me that it was coming in the next couple of days so I knew that they were keeping us well rested for the time to came around.
"But what is 'it' exactly?" Shinso asked.
"The biggest battle you will ever be in" Was all I said.
"Wait, is this going to be some kind of war?" Hagakure nervously questioned.
"Probably" I replied. Everyone started to get really nervous about what exactly would happen. "Just train hard tomorrow and make sure you get plenty of rest. No late nights" I recommended.
"Wise suggestion Midoriya, I would also recommend this. We should also relax our minds for this so maybe we should postpone our study sessions till after this" Iida added.
"That would be a good idea" Yaoyorozu agreed.

We all trained as hard as we could the next day all together and even asked to use the USJ to practice our rescuing skills just in case. We trained all day and went back to the dorms at around 7pm, we ate a meal together once we got back and ended up going to bed at 8pm. We wanted to get as much rest as possible as we were supposed to get up at 5am to go to our work studies.

Time Skip - Start of the War
Almost all of the heroes were gathering around Japan to stop the League of Villains, the only ones who weren't called in were those who were confirmed to be working for the league. Apparently a hero had infiltrated the league and given all of this information to us so that they would be caught off guard by our attack, we attacked every hideout simultaneously so that they couldn't alert each other and started the war.

I was in a group of heroes who would be evacuating civilians in the city which a hospital where Dr Garaki worked at was located. Since we believed that there may be villains there we evacuated the city so there wouldn't be any casualties. There was a team attacking their main stronghold filled with pros and any students who had wide ranged attacks such as Kaminari and Tokoyami. Kyoka was with a team in the forest with mainly work study students and a few pros who were supposed to be last line of defence if any villains tried to escape or just got past the heroes attacking the stronghold. Then there was the final team consisting of only pro heroes heading into and evacuating the hospital so they could capture Dr Garaki and stop Shigaraki, and in that team there was Mirko.

I started to evacuate everyone in the city with over a hundred pro heroes and my classmates such as Kacchan, Todoroki, Iida and Uraraka. Those with scouting quirks would inform everyone else where people were through the communication devices everyone had, Koda was among the scouts using birds to know where people were. It took us a while but eventually there was nobody left in any buildings and we just had to escort everyone out of the city to somewhere safe. I stopped in the middle of an intersection to make sure that everyone was okay but I suddenly got an odd feeling. It wasn't danger sense, it was something different. Everything around me suddenly went silent, I couldn't hear anything anymore only a voice. A voice that I immediately recognised.
"He's coming... You have to stop him... A Transcendent Being is coming" The first user spoke. I wasn't in the OFA world but he was still speaking to me, there was a backlash and I couldn't speak whilst he was and a pain flowed through my entire body. My classmates who were around me looked at me confused and were speaking to me but I couldn't make out what they were saying, I only had one thought go through my head as I regained full consciousness. Save them. I changed the frequency of my communication device to communicate with everyone in the hospital and screamed one thing.
"GET OUT OF THE HOSPITAL NOW!!!" I screamed into the communication device. "SHIGARAKI IS AWAKE!!!" I added. I got a few confused responses but that was suddenly replaced by loud running and a few screams. Everyone around me looked at me confused but their gaze suddenly diverted to the hospital when it disintegrated into nothingness.

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