CH-36 A Not So Touching Reunion

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Jiro's POV
Izuku came downstairs and started talking to Hana. She had long green hair with diamond shaped freckles on her cheeks, she had big green eyes like Izuku and was taller than Yaomomo. I realised that she was Izuku's sister after she started speaking to us but I didn't think that she would actually come to see him from the little I've heard about her so tried to think of another possibility. However when she called Izuku 'Zuzu' it all came together, she was his sister that left when he was five. He didn't seem happy about her being here and neither did Bakugo, I thought that all she did was leave but since they seemed so angry with her I assumed that there was more to it.

"Just leave" He said as he came and sat down next to me.
"Please let me explain" She begged.
"What is there to explain?" Bakugo growled.
"It wasn't my choice to leave" She said causing Izuku to turn and look at her.
"I think we should leave them to talk. Lets go" Yaomomo said whilst signalling to everyone to leave.
"Thanks" Hana said to Yaomomo. They all started to leave but I stayed and put my hand on Izuku's shoulder. "Could you leave us too?" She asked me.
"No" I said sternly.
"She can stay" Izuku said making me smile.
"Fine" She said.
"So, talk. I'll give you one chance" Izuku said.
"Right. When you were 5 and were diagnosed quirkless dad got a job offer in America, he wanted to go so he could support mum. He took me with him without asking me or telling me anything about it so I couldn't say goodbye. I tried to reach out to you but never got a reply, eventually I gave up. But I came back here to Japan recently so I decided to try and find you, it took me awhile but I found out that you got into UA and came here as soon as I could" She explained.
"So... Where's dad?" Izuku asked.
"America" She answered.
"So why didn't he come and see me?" He asked starting to get angry.
"He has work to do so couldn't make it, but he does want to see you. He said that he would come to Japan as soon as possible" She said.
"Okay..." Izuku said as he looked down and started to think.
"C-Can I ask you something?" Hana asked.
"Sure" Izuku replied.
"How did you get into UA? You're quirkless" She asked.
"I'm not quirkless" He said causing Hana to look at him confused.
"I don't understand" Izuku stood up and activated his quirk but didn't show her blackwhip or smokescreen, she was shocked about it all as this entire time she thought that he was quirkless.

They continued talking to each other, she wanted to know more about his quirk and life at UA to which he didn't say much about his quirk and he wanted to know about his father. I felt kind of awkward just sitting there listening to their conversation but stayed because I was worried about Izuku and I could tell he didn't want to be alone with her.
"I have one last question. Who are you?" Hana asked whilst looking at me.
"Oh this is Kyoka... My girlfriend" Izuku introduced whilst wrapping his arm over my shoulders.
"Hi" I said as I didn't know what else to say.
"Girlfriend? Wow, wasn't expecting that" She said.
"Yeah well I wasn't expecting you to show up so I guess we're both surprised. Is there some reason you came here?" Izuku asked.
"I just wanted to see you again. Maybe next time I visit dad could come, he wants to see you too"
"Right, next time. Anyway I have to go, bye" He said as he stood up, I followed him up to his room where he put on his hero costume.
"You doing okay?" I asked.
"I don't know" He replied.
"Are you going to go train?" I asked.
"Yep, something is coming and I don't know what but Mirko and Mr Aizawa told me that I have to train hard for the time when it comes" He explained.
"Right, well you should go then. I'll see you tonight" I said.
"Okay, see you later" He said as he left the dorm room. I went to find Yaomomo, Mina and Eri to spend the day with them and Hana had left UA's campus leaving Izuku to train in peace, or so I thought.

Midoriya's POV
After I got changed I came back downstairs and Hana had left, I was glad she was gone but some part of me wanted to spend some more time with her. I arrived at a training ground where Kacchan, Kirishima and Sero were already training.
"Hey guys" I said as I walked in.
"Hey Midobro, what happened with your sister?" Kirishima asked.
"We talked for a bit then she left, and apparently my dad will be coming next time she comes here" I explained.
"Tch, that bastard should just say away" Kacchan grunted.
"Dude, it's Midobro's dad not yours. It's his choice" Sero said.
"No, I agree with Kacchan. I don't want to see him" I said.
"Well... Lets just train" Kirishima said bringing us off of this topic.

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