CH-48 Sports Festival Matches

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Midoriya's POV - Start of Sports Festival
The week off school had now passed giving rise to our second sports festival, I had trained hard with many of classmates in preparation for this event. With the publics opinions of hero society being shaky at the moment there was talk of no sports festival happening but Nezu insisted that it should occur so that the third years could show off for the last time whilst in UA as well as a chance for the first years to get used to the spotlight. Once every second year was on the field Midnight started to announce the first event of the festival.
"Alright this is the festival for the second year students, and the first event will be... A PUZZLE" She announced. Everyone looked confused as to why a puzzle would be in the 'sports festival' but Midnight quickly explained. "You will race around a course solving puzzles at each of the checkpoints. If you get the puzzles wrong you will not advance so think carefully about all of them, the first forty people to arrive at the finish line with all puzzles solved correctly will advance" She explained. Everyone then went to the starting line ready to start the puzzle race, the bell rang signalling that we should start and everyone rushed forwards.

As everyone rushed forwards I used my quirk at a low percentage so I wouldn't accidentally hurt anyone to jump up into the air, I activated float and used blackwhip to pull myself over the crowd out of the doorway. I then landed on the ground in front of everyone and activated One for All at 60%, I started running at a speed leaving almost everyone behind. The only ones who could almost keep up were Kacchan, Todoroki and Iida, I pushed on further ahead towards the first checkpoint and started the puzzle. There was a sign above a stand which read: Bring the correct item to the finish line. I read the clue given to try and figure out which item I needed to bring with me. The key that fits inside the hole. That's the clue? Seriously? Okay lets start by finding the key. I looked around the stand finding several holes in the wall with multiple shapes in a stand underneath, I looked at all of the shapes and tried to figure out which one of them fit into a slot. I kept trying to figure which shape would fit into a hole but quickly realised that none of them fit into any of them, Kacchan and Todoroki were quickly approaching with Iida not far behind them. I quickly reached into one of the holes finding an actual key inside it, I placed it into my pocket and started to run with 60% of my quirk, I looked behind me to see Kacchan and Todoroki not too far behind me and assumed that they saw me grab a key from inside of the hole so did the same.

After about a minute I reached the next checkpoint after using 75% of my quirk to stay far ahead of everyone else, I stopped at a large cliff with a waterfall where a sign stood with a message: Beyond the waterfall the path you'll find. I took a second to think this through as it wouldn't be as simple as climbing over the waterfall even though there were different coloured rocks on the side which looked set up to be climbed, I wouldn't have needed them due to my quirk but I knew that it wouldn't be the way. I took a closer look at the waterfall noticing a dim light coming from behind it, I walked through the waterfall revealing a path through a tunnel illuminated by torches on the wall. I ran through the tunnel using my quirk but only used 40% so that I wouldn't blow out the flames with my quirk, it wasn't too long before I reached the end but Kacchan was quickly catching up. Since I had to slow down through the tunnel Kacchan was able to catch up to me and we were now neck and neck. I increased my speed to 75% but Kacchan was pushing himself to the limit allowing him to keep up with me. There was another checkpoint in the distance and we both prepared ourselves for this last puzzle.

Once we got to the last checkpoint I grabbed onto a nearby boulder with blackwhip to slow down whilst Kacchan fired his compressed explosions in the opposite direction to stop. I looked at the sign for the clue which angered me once I read it: Find the safe for your key. I pulled out my key to see if there was any significance on it telling me which safe I needed to open, Kacchan was just screaming whilst trying to put his key into all of the safes. I noticed that my key had the number 17 on it so looked for a safe that said 17 on it and luckily I found it but there wasn't just one but 10 scattered along the wall of safes. I looked at all of them closely to see that they all had a shape on them, all of which were different. I thought back to when I picked up the key and the shape of the hole was a triangle, I found the safe with a triangle on it and opened it up. There was a piece of paper in the safe so I pulled it out and started to run towards the finish line whilst Kacchan still tried to open every single safe angrily. The piece of paper only said 'pass' on it and I couldn't think of any hidden meaning so continued to run towards the finish line, I crossed the line first with Midnight waiting for me. I handed her the piece of paper and she just smiled.
"I knew you would be the first one here" Midnight exclaimed.
"Kacchan was close behind me though, what was the point of the waterfall though?" I asked.
"Oh if you went above there was an extremely difficult obstacle course but if you go through the waterfall it's a straight path" Midnight explained.
"Oh right, well I should probably go over there so Kacchan doesn't try to blow me up when he arrives" I said whilst pointing to a spot far away from Midnight.
"Good choice" She replied. I walked over to the side and waited for everyone else to arrive.

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