CH-27 A New Student

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Jiro's POV
I went back to the dorms whilst trying to keep myself calm about spending the night alone. As I entered I looked around the room and couldn't see Izuku or Yaomomo, I assumed that they had gone to put his cream on and the bandages in his room so headed straight up there. As I entered I saw Yaomomo bandaging him up.
"So, you actually listened for once Izu" I said.
"Huh, yeah. I didn't want you to hit me again so I had no choice" He replied.
"You should be doing it because of your injury not because of me" I said slightly irritated.
"R-Right, sorry"
"My god you are absolutely hopeless" Yaomomo just giggled as she finished up and left.
"What's so funny?" I asked.
"Oh it's nothing" She said as she giggled again. I looked over at Izuku who was putting his shirt back on with a worried expression, he turned around and noticed the look on my face.
"You okay?" I just walked up to him, gently grabbed his face and gave him a kiss.
"I'm fine, uhm... I think I'm going to try and sleep in my room tonight..." I said as I looked down.
"Okay, but if something happens call me straight away" He said with a smile.
"Of course" I gave him another kiss and then went back downstairs.

Downstairs the 'Bakusquad' were running around chasing Bakugo as he was trying to get some peace and quiet. Iida was then chasing the Bakusquad to try and get them to calm down but to no avail, he quickly gave up and just walked away with his head down. I guess they finally broke him, I'm surprised that he lasted this long to be honest. I sat next to Izuku opposite Yaomomo and Todoroki, we just chatted about random things but me and Yaomomo quickly went on to complaining about our boyfriends. They were sitting right next to us but knew they couldn't argue because everything we said was true, eventually Izuku and Todoroki just left as to not hear our complaints to go talk to some of the other guys. Me and Yaomomo didn't stop complaining and eventually Mina joined us in the complaining. We continued until curfew when everyone went up to bed except for me, Izuku noticed that I had stayed back and came over to me.
"You okay Kyo?" He asked as he put his hand on my shoulder from behind.
"I'm... Nervous..." I admitted.
"Don't worry. Want me to walk with you to your room?" He offered.
"Please" I stood up with Izuku and we slowly made our way to my room.

I reluctantly opened the door as we arrived and stepped in after taking a deep breath. I walked over to my wardrobe and grabbed some comfortable clothes and went into my bathroom to get changed. I came out and Izuku was still there waiting for me, I smiled at him before heading over to my bed. He tucked me in making me feel like a little kid but I didn't mind as my worries were on what would happen after I fell asleep not before. He kissed me before leaving, I stared at the door half hoping that he would come back and climb into bed with me so that I wouldn't be alone. I shook my head and stared up at the ceiling before closing my eyes. I tried to focus on all the good times spent with Izuku as I drifted off.

In Jiro's Dream
I was in the mall that Izuku and I had hung out at, but it's also where a Nomu had attacked. I looked around and saw the place being wrecked but Izuku wasn't anywhere to be seen. I panicked as the Nomu laid his eyes on me, it started to walk towards me. No, No, No not again. I knew I shouldn't have stayed by myself. Izuku please. I closed my eyes expecting to be hit but a voice started speaking to me.
"You aren't weak, you are incredibly strong..." It was what Mr Aizawa had said to me earlier.
"You're not weak. Nobody thinks you're weak, you're one of the strongest people I know" This time it was Izuku had said to me the night I told him the root cause of my nightmares. Right, I'm not weak. I can do this. I'll be fine. I opened my eyes and the Nomu started to disappear as it's fist approached my face, all of the destruction started to disappear as well. The mall now looked good as new, Izuku appeared right by my side. He smiled at me which I returned, I was happy. I was still a little shaken from what happened before I fixed everything but I enjoyed everything that was happening in the current moment. We walked around the mall heading into shops grabbing snacks and eating them together, we shared laughs and I got a little annoyed at some things he would say but I still enjoyed every moment of it.

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