CH-26 Family Meetings

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Jiro's POV
I woke up before Izuku, I thought it was weird since he is always up unusually early but assumed that he was tired from his work study. I didn't want to wake him up so I slowly and carefully got out of bed without waking him and got changed. I kissed him on his forehead and went downstairs to see everyone else, they were all eating breakfast except for me and Izuku. I grabbed some food and sat down to start chatting to my friends, Kirishima was worried about Izuku as was I. The work study seemed to effect him a lot more than he has admitted but there was nothing we could really do, he needed someone who understood exactly what he was going through but nobody in our class did. But I had an idea of some people that might be able to help him.
"Jiro has Midobro gotten up yet?" Kirishima asked.
"No, I think he's a little tired from Mirko's work study" I replied.
"Yeah th-" Kirishima was interrupted when Izuku came running downstairs. "Well, maybe not as tired as you'd think"
"Where's Kacchan?" Izuku asked breathlessly.
"Dude chill, he's already gone to class. You alright?" I asked.
"Yep, fine" He said quickly before running off to class.
"He's definitely not alright" Kirishima said.
"I think that someone needs to talk to him, Ribbit" Tsu suggested.
"Don't worry, I have an idea. But I don't think that he'll like it" I said.
"Really, what are you planning?" Todoroki asked.
"Well um... Lets just hope my dad doesn't kill him"

Once we all arrived at class only Bakugo and Izuku weren't with us as they had left before us, but as we were standing outside of the classroom we heard talking.
"Oh just quit whining nerd, it ain't that big of a deal" We heard Bakugo grunt.
"Come on Kacchan it is, if it was En then maybe the others will appear soon. If that happens I'll never get a good night sleep again, along with Mirko not letting me sleep" Izuku said. Wait is this about One for All, I can't let the others hear about this. I quickly opened the door so that they would stop talking before they mentioned something that would expose their secret. As I opened the door Izuku looked over at us and started to stutter so much we couldn't understand anything as well as waving his arms around hitting Bakugo in the face.
"Hey Midobro, Bakubro. What were you talking about?" Kirishima asked.
"O-Oh n-nothing i-in p-p-particular" Izuku stuttered.
"What is En and the 'others' then?" Mina asked. Both Izuku and Bakugo looked at each other with worried expressions panicking about everyone finding out about One for All.
"IT AIN'T GOT ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU EXTRAS, NOW SHUT UP ABOUT IT OR DIE!" Bakugo yelled. Is that seriously the best you could come up with? Well I guess it's effective. We all sat down and everyone except for me, Izuku and Bakugo were afraid to speak in fear of dying. As Mr Aizawa entered the classroom he was confused as to why everyone was already in their seats and were abnormally quiet, he didn't complain but just went on with our lesson. When we went to lunch and I sneakily stole Izuku's phone and texted his mother for this plan to help him. He never noticed that his phone was missing as he was still down, he only really spoke to Bakugo all day until we made our way back to the dorms. I dragged him upstairs to his room and made him get changed into clothes of my choice before getting changed myself.
"Uhm... What are you doing?" He asked as I came out of the bathroom from getting changed.
"We are going out" I said with an assertive tone.
"I'm not really in the mood to go out" He said whilst looking down.
"Too bad. We're going out" I said again.
"Can you at least tell me where?"
"Nope" I said as I grabbed his hand and dragged him out of his room. We went through the common room and I waved goodbye to the girls as we left the dorms.

We were walking for a while and had even gotten on the train to get where we were going. Izuku looked confused the entire time but then his face suddenly changed.
"Wait, are we going to your house?" He asked scared.
"Yep" I said whilst smiling. He looks utterly terrified. I hope this will get his mind off of work studies.
"Are you planning on having your dad kill me?" He asked as he gulped hoping the answer was no.
"Nah I doubt your mum will let him whilst she's there"
"Oh right good- WAIT WHAT?!" He asked panicked.
"I texted your mum to ask her to join us for a family dinner and she was more than happy to come with us. She said she couldn't wait to meet 'the sweet young girl who captured your heart'" I said with a massive grin. I only texted her for a short while but she's almost as sweet as Izu. I absolutely love her already.
"W-Well... How does your house hold up with floods?"
"What's that got to do with anything?"
"Well... There may be one inside of your house when my mum arrives and sees you"
"What are you talking about?"
"Never mind, you'll see when you meet her"

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