CH-53 A Whole Year

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Midoriya's POV - Third Year
After all of the chaos with the league of villains in our first year and my father's operations in the middle of our second year no new villains became a big threat. Toga was still missing from the war and there was talk of sentencing All for One as well as Shigaraki to death so they could never escape or become a threat in the future. Kyoka and I were as close as ever but something had happened between us. Various villains around Japan have tried to kidnap Kyoka in an attempt to get me to transfer One for All to them, luckily she was able to hold most of them off and the ones she couldn't either I or Gang Orca were able to protect her depending on where she was and who she was with. We even considered breaking up so that she would no longer be targeted but we both loved each other so didn't but the thought annoyingly stayed in both of our minds. Every other couple in our class still stayed with all of them getting closer than ever, even Iida had a happy relationship with Hatsume of all people. In class 2-B Kendo and Tetsutetsu were a couple as well as Kuroiro and Komori were now dating with no other relationships in our classes. Tamaki and Nejire visited UA to see us and help out with some training whilst Nejire announced the fact that they were dating whilst Tamaki hid in a corner. Mina also blabbed to everyone that Midnight and Mr Aizawa were dating which enraged Mr Aizawa, if he could walk then she would've probably died.

Eri was getting better with the use of her quirk and recently was able to heal Mr Aizawa's leg but it was still damaged along with his eye so he had to stay retired, she couldn't heal the damage in Midnight as it had been too long so she also had to stay retired. She also started to like school more and more with each passing day as she started to make friends, she wasn't good at making friends when she first started but met a certain boy with red shoes and a red cap who became her first friend in school helping her make more friends. She would come home everyday with new fascinating stories of what she and her friends did which me and Kyoka always looked forward to hearing whenever she came home.

I was able to master my quirk and use it at 100% with ease but the second user still said that I wasn't ready for his quirk as I hadn't completely mastered all of my quirks, apparently there were still secrets hidden in the quirks that I hadn't unlocked yet but I was convinced he was being stubborn. For our second year school festival we did another concert like last time but with a new song that Kyoka wrote herself, I was on the dance crew again but was able to add special effects occasionally by running around with 100% of my power to create blue lightning surge around whilst holding back in my legs as to not blow everyone away. It was even more well received than the previous year as the band team had more practice than last time and the dance team also had more practice, with our new techniques with our quirks we were able to make our special effects even better. As for the beauty pageant since Nejire was no longer at the school because she graduated Kendo was able to take first place.

By the time the end of the year came we all aced our final exams, me, Yaoyorozu and Iida were able to help everyone study so that wasn't a problem for any of us and I helped train everyone so everyone was able to ace the practical portion. We had faced off against the teachers again but brought in some pro heroes who don't teach at the school to be our opponents but they didn't hold back this time making it more difficult to face them than last time. Over the break most people rested whilst training a few times a week but I trained almost everyday with the only time a took a break being when me and Kyoka went out together.

During our third year Mr Aizawa made us do another quirk assessment test to which I dominated it once again and Kacchan growled as he came in second again. We had a lot of training at the USJ during this year so that we could be 100% prepared for the rescue aspect of being a hero, there was also a lot of combat training against our classmates and other classes. Me, Kacchan and Todoroki ended up being the Big Three as I had expected but Kacchan wasn't the most helpful when it was our turn to talk with the first years, me and Todoroki had to do all of the work. Kacchan had calmed down a lot since our first year but still had his occasional outbursts and didn't care much about helping the younger students get better unless they had an incredibly powerful quirk.

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