CH-3 Class 1-A

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Jiro's POV
I woke up an hour before I had to leave and rolled out of bed. I went to the bathroom and started to get ready. After a shower I got changed, sorted out my hair and put on some make up on. I then left my room with a smile on my face, I didn't know exactly why I was so happy but I knew it something to do with school. Or someone.

"Morning Kyoka, you seem happy this morning", my mother greeted.
"Morning, I guess I'm just in a good mood today", I replied.
"Any particular reason, hmmmm", she looked at me with a curious look.
"Nope!", I said quickly as though I was hiding something even though I wasn't. Was I?
"Awfully defensive huh, what happened. A boy", she said as she stared at me whilst drinking a cup of coffee.
"HUH", my face went bright red as I fumbled my words.
"Uh... I... Um... No...", why am I getting so flustered, I had just met him properly the other day. Could I really like a boy I don't even know much about, I couldn't right...
"Ohh what's going on in here?", my father interrupted my thoughts.
"I'm heading off to school now", I rushed out the door before my mother could embarrass me anymore.

Thoughts plagued my mind as I walked over to the train station, I wasn't looking where I was going and bombed into someone.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. Here let me help you up"
"Thank you young lady", he was an elderly man a little shorter than myself. He struggled a little to get up even with my help. I picked up his bags for him and helped him to the station as we were heading in the same direction. He was a nice man but something seemed off about him but I couldn't but my finger on it. Once we separated for our different trains I forgot all about that weird feeling I had when I was with him. I assumed I would never see him again so it didn't bother me...

As I entered the UA grounds I ran into Midoriya and greeted him. But as soon as I did what my mother said came back to plaguing my mind.
"Heyo, Midoriya", I greeted
"Uhm... H... Hi Jiro", It's kind of cute when he starts stuttering. WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING! My face went bright red from my own thoughts, I hoped Midoriya didn't see this but...
"Hey Jiro, You alright. You're face is bright red"
"Huh, oh I'm fine, perfectly fine", I lied. What is happening, why are these thoughts consuming me I barely know him. Is that the reason, do I want to get to know him better, I've never wanted to before so maybe. Should I ask him to hang out after school one day, that won't be weird right...

We walked to the classroom in silence as neither of us were good at starting conversations and my mind was torturing me with unknown feelings and decisions. Once we arrived we quickly entered and sat down in our seats. Ilda was already here and went straight over to talk to me and Midoriya, luckily he was leading the conversation so I didn't have to do anything other than reply, it seemed that Midoriya was doing the same too. Not too long into the conversation I noticed the girls starting to gather in the corner of the room and have some small talk. I left the conversation with Midoriya and Ilda to go talk to the girls.

Should I go over to talk to them, I do need to make some more friends so it wouldn't be a bad idea. After all I'm only friends with Midoriya, and Ilda I guess.
"Hey", I greeted hoping not to sound weird.
"HIIIIIIII, I'm Mina Ashido, you're Jiro right", Well she's certainly energetic
"Uhm, yeah I am"
The other girls started to introduce themselves and continue with their small talk. I didn't really know how to talk to them so I kind of just stood there listening, it seems as though Mina caught onto this as she started talking directly to me.
"So Jiro, tell me what's do you do for fun. I want to set up a girls night for us six and I need to know what everyone likes"
"Oh, well. Uhm...", What do I say, all I really do is play music. Is that too weird, will they think I'm weird. "I usually play music with my instruments", Please don't say that it's weird.
"REALLY, THAT'S SO COOL, what instruments can you play", Well I wasn't expecting this at all, everyone always says I'm weird because that's all I do. Maybe she thinks I do other stuff too.
"I can play just about anything. Guitar, bass, piano, drums and some others"
The girls just stared at me with pure shock on their faces. Did I say too much, oh no they think I'm weird now. I shouldn't have said anything, I should just head back to my seat. Maybe talking to Midoriya will calm me down, I hope.
Before I could do anything Mina squealed at the top of her voice.
"OMG YES, ALRIGHT I KNOW WHAT TO DO GIVE ME YOUR NUMBERS I'LL SET IT UP. THIS IS GONNA BE AWESOME!!!!". She doesn't think I'm weird, she likes me. I guess my parents were right. I just hadn't met the right people yet, until now. I wasn't sure why but in this moment I knew that I had made 5 friends for life.

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